A perilous homecoming

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A/N: Before you read this new chapter, please read these words: this chapter was directly inspired by Oliver Bowden's Assassin's Creed: Revelations, in which he details the journey that Ezio took to arrive in Masyaf. He also adds very useful details to his story, such as dates. Ezio writes his letter to Claudia on November 20th, 1510, after resting for one week under the hospitality of al-Scarab, merely mentioned in the game and in his letter as "the men and women who have fed and sheltered me here". He reaches the mountains of Masyaf on January 13th, 1511, and it takes him 3 weeks to arrive at the village.

Also, Altaïr doesn't appear in the dungeons, while Ezio awaits his impending "execution". I just thought it'd be a nice touch.


We arrived in Bari 15 days after we left Roma, as predicted by Bartolomeo. We rode at a steady rhythm, rested and allowed our horses to rest frequently and at even hours. I couldn't feel safer throughout this short trip. Not because I was surrounded by 15 capable mercenaries – no, I defeated them. They're not perfect -, but because of the 2 even more capable Assassins riding right behind us. It was...amusing, to say the least, but Aurora and Leandro never stayed behind. They rode at a steady pace, always on our six. It was sweet and reassuring, to see my children remain loyal even though they're already adults. It made my heart swell with pride to see the adults they became, even though Ezio and I were oftentimes away on missions. Ezio, mostly.

It hurt to be forced to leave them behind. It'll hurt to see them stay behind at the docks while Ezio and I sail away. It'll hurt to have writing as the only way to communicate with them. Were we in a modern era, we'd be able to call them every day, and see how they were doing. But there were no modern times. This was the Renaissance, I kept reminding myself. Things were never easy in the Renaissance. But at least, I wasn't worried about them. We made them work hard their entire lives to ensure that they'd make it out on their own. I knew they'd be alright. Especially Leandro, since he had the company of that sweet little girl. What was her name again? Diana? Yeah, Diana. And well, Aurora had her attitude to keep her safe. Though as a mother and as a woman, I hoped she'd be able to find love the way I did. I hoped she'd find a man as warm-hearted as Ezio. And who knows, handsome is always a bonus~

The end of January was right around the corner when we finally reached the city gates of Bari. Bartolomeo's men opened the path for us, though to be honest, to have soldiers open up the path like that for us almost made me feel like an important diplomat or something. Someone worth protecting. That might be the case, but was I really? After all, I was but a woman, fighting for what was right. I was nobody. I was but a blade in the shadows, who wasn't really in the shadows now. Eh, I guess people say otherwise when it comes to my importance in this world. Who was I to judge?

The escort only stopped once we reached the docks, causing all eyes to drift onto us like we were Hollywood celebrities or something. The ship was already there, awaiting our arrival. From what I gathered, the captain was a friend of the Assassins, and would ensure us a safe path to the next city in our course: Corfu, a coastal city in Greece. Once there, we'd take another ship that'd lead us to Athens. I got off my horse, taking Ezio's awaiting hand with a soft smile. "You know, it is not too late to turn back." Aurora said as she stood behind us, cracking a smile.

"I know. But we already came all this way...why turn back now when the next stage of our journey awaits?" I replied with a soft smile as I turned around to meet her gaze. "Who knows, perhaps one day, you too, might like to do this voyage."

"Who knows." She shrugged. "If I do not get seasick, that is." I couldn't prevent a soft laugh from escaping my lips before her reply. Yes, being seasick during a voyage that'd last several months would be the absolute worst.

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