All set for travelling

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A/N: Giovanni's letter is an actual extract from Oliver Bowden's Assassin's Creed: Revelations. And in the book, we're given an actual description of every city Ezio travels to in order to reach Masyaf. You'll see next chapter. ;)


Palazzo Auditore


IV febbraio MCDLVIII (February 4th, 1458)

Dear Brother,

The forces against us are gathering strength and there is a man in Rome who has taken command of our enemies who is perhaps the greatest power you and I will ever have to reckon with. For this reason I impart to you, under the seal of utmost secrecy, the following information. If fate should overtake me, ensure - with your life, if necessary - that this information never falls into the enemy's hands.

There is, as you know, a castle called Masyaf in Syria, which was once the seat of our Brotherhood. There, over two centuries ago, our then Mentor, Altaïr Ibn-la'Ahad, greatest of our Order, established a library deep beneath the fortress.

I say no more now. Discretion dictates that what else I have to tell you of this must be in conversation and never written down.

This is a quest I would have longed to accomplish myself, but there is no time now. Our enemies press upon us and we have no time except to fight back.

Your Brother,

Giovanni Auditore

This letter was short. Straight to the point. It didn't say much about this library, however. Clearly, this secret was one that Giovanni took with him to the grave. But then...what was this feeling...? Why did I feel like my heart wanted to burst out of my chest...? Suddenly, flashbacks flooded my memories, and before I knew it, I was seeing those images the Apple showed me back in 1488. Suddenly, I was seeing those two barely-lit hooded figures walking towards an impressive door made of stone. Was that what Giovanni referred to as Altaïr's library? Though I couldn't be sure, somewhere deep down, my heart was screaming that I was right. Somehow...I yearned to reach that library. And this only unsettled me further.

I was breathing heavily as I stood next to Ezio, who looked just as disturbed as I was. "I think....I think this is it...." I breathed out as I rested my hands on his desk, causing his gaze to meet mine in surprise.

"Sei sicura (Are you sure)? Sei assolutamete sicura (Are you absolutely sure)?!" he asked me then, and I honestly didn't know how to respond.

"S-Si...I-I mean no... I-I mean..." I sighed. "I don't know, Ezio. I'm so confused... Reading that letter brought me flashbacks from what the Apple showed me. I've never been there, heart tells a different tale." I tried to explain to the best of my abilities, but truth is, I didn't know what to do. I was just as lost as he was. "Listen....I don't know what we should do..."

"....gather Bartolomeo and Machiavelli. I need to talk to them." He said finally, but I shook my head.

"We can't. Bartolomeo is in Ostia, busy taking care of his month-old daughter, and Machiavelli left to Firenze a few days ago..." I explained. "Machiavelli might take weeks to arrive, and Bartolomeo might be too exhausted to help."

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