A journey back to what once was

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A/N: I was forced to use my imagination when it comes to describing the Villa Auditore. Unfortunately, there were no records (nor in the game, nor in the book) expliciting the condition on which was the Villa after the fire. All we know is that it was destroyed by cannons and that (according to Ezio during the Da Vinci Disappearance) there was a fire too.


"Laa shay'a waqi'un moutlaq bale kouloun mounkine." Ezio recited with a soft tone, yet his voice was loud enough to echo throughout the tall walls of the room. "The wisdom of our Creed is revealed through these words." Though he was speaking, though he was right next to me, I couldn't tear my gaze away from the two hooded figures walking up the stairs to stand before us. They were walking in perfect sync, much to my amusement. And for a brief moment, I was back in Monteriggioni. They were but babies once more, staggering about, but always together. No matter how old they were, they would always hang out together. Leandro loved his sister dearly, and I could tell the feeling was mutual. Together, they learned how to walk. Together, they held their first swords. Together, they learned how to climb. Together....they became Assassins.

Though I was wearing my hood, though I was supposed to remain stoic, I couldn't. Instead, a soft, tender smile painted my lips as I began to speak. "Where other men blindly follow the truth, remember..."

"Nothing is true." Leandro and Aurora replied at the same time as they stood straight, proud. I could see in the corner of my eye that Ezio had his gaze fixed on them as he stood by the fire, where that wretched pair of tongs awaited. I focused my attention on my babies once more as I continued.

"Where other men are limited, by morality and law, remember..."

"Everything is permitted." I could see someone move in the corner of my eye, and gazing in that direction, I couldn't help but smile before the sight of Claudia, in her combat robes. Right next to her stood Machiavelli, who too, was gazing at our newest additions to the Brotherhood with pride.

"We work in the dark, to serve the light. We are Assassins." I said at last, focusing my attention on their hooded figures once more.

"Nothing is true. Everything is permitted." Everyone joined in as we recited the sacred words of our Creed. Finally looking at Ezio, I gave him a light nod before I urged my children forward.

"Once, a long time ago, the mark of our Creed was through the loss of a finger. Though our customs are not as...literal, our seal is just as permanent." Ezio began to say, and I couldn't help but allow my thoughts to drift away to all those years ago, where we stood up in that tall tower in Venezia, before Antonio and Mario, awaiting for the seal of the Creed to be branded into our fingers. The memories of Mario brought a sudden wave of grief, but I brushed it all away to devote my attention on my babies. Aurora, being the eldest, was going first. And much to my pride, she barely flinched as the scalding hot iron let out a sickening sizzle at the contact with her soft skin. Leandro was just as brave as his sister. But like before, just as quickly as it began, it ended. Ezio placed the tongs back into the fire before, smiling tenderly, placed his hands on their shoulders. "Benvenutti nell'Ordine degli Assassini (Welcome to the Assassin Order)....my children..." And much to my surprise, he pulled them close and hugged them, which – much to my amusement – seemed to have caught both Aurora and Leandro off guard. "I'm so proud of you..." he said those words so softly that, had I not been next to him, I wouldn't have heard it. Goddammit, he's going to make me cry. I took a deep breath to steady my emotions just as I heard light sniffling.

A game, or real life? (Ezio x reader)Where stories live. Discover now