Unsolved mysteries; Untold secrets

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Galata Den

Constantinopoli, Turchia

XXV Giugno MDXI (June 25th, 1511)

My dearest Aurora, my dearest Leandro,

Things have been going pretty alright here in Constantinopoli. Forgive the lateness of this letter, for your father and I have simply not been able to get any rest. Things here are getting more difficult than they seem. In our search for the Masyaf keys, we fell upon an intricate, mysterious conspiracy that has been going on here for several years. What remains of the Byzantine empire has allied with the Templars, in hopes of overthrowing the Sultan and restoring the Byzantine Empire to its former glory. In exchange for their support, Byzantine thugs have been in search for the Masyaf keys, and we have every right to believe that the one found beneath Topkapi Palace was found by them.

But alas, this isn't the most troublesome detail we've come across. Now with two keys in our possession, we realized this wasn't by chance. Altaïr imbued these artifacts with a message. Memories of his life. The first one showed us a time before the events of 1191, before the failure at Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. And the other, it was right after he murdered Al Mualim. We saw how he was left to rule over a divided army. People who believed in his cause, that Al Mualim was truly a traitor, against Assassins too blind to see the truth. Altaïr is trying to tell us something through this. This wasn't by chance, I know it. And we fear that the Templars have realized this as well. We fear the Templars were given information they weren't supposed to know. We fear to what extent that possible knowledge may ruin our next move.

Summer has finally settled in here in Turchia. It is only a shame that your father and I are unable to rest and appreciate it. Alongside the Den Leader I told you about in my previous letter, Yusuf, your father and I have been recruiting and training new Assassins. Constantinople was in dire need of numerous warriors. In a way, things haven't changed much between our roles in Roma and here. Your father is still treated with the highest of respect, while I stand next to him to help in any way I can. Your father's birthday was just yesterday, and the Assassins decided to throw him a small surprise by dressing up as minstrels, having kept the outfits they had used in a previous mission. Needless to say, your father wasn't really pleased. But he accepted the joke. It is only sad that we might be too busy to celebrate even our own wedding anniversary. Alas, time isn't something we are able to waste right now.

I hope to write very soon. God, I miss you both so much.


(y/n) Auditore

I couldn't prevent the soft sigh from escaping my lips as I placed my quill down. Time was of the essence. Even now, Assassins walked in from their most recent missions all over the Mediterranean. And not only that, but according to Sofia, she was almost done with deciphering the location of yet another book. A book that would, hopefully, lead us to another Masyaf key. I lightly rubbed my tired eyes, sighing. God, this sucked. Not only have I been deprived of any sleep lately due to work, visions of Altaïr have been clouding my thoughts. Sometimes they were new, but by now, most of them repeated themselves. It was honestly like beating a dead horse. Over and over again, I heard his soft voice against Maria's ear, softly whispering her name as if it were a prayer. The worst part was that, like before, I could feel everything she was feeling. It made her feel the same way Ezio makes me feel. And it was driving me nuts. Fuck it!, I thought as I slammed my fists into the wooden desk and stood up, startling some of the Assassins who were chilling about. Without another word, I grabbed my sword and walked out of the Den.

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