We are Assassins

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A/N: Aurora and Leandro were names I picked specifically for this story. They're both not only Italian, but their roots hide a very profound meaning. ^^ 

Leandro: (from latin Leo and Andros= lion and man)
Aurora: (from latin= dawn. Roman goddess of sunrise)


"Leandro!! Aurora!!" My eyes were glued to the mercenary standing right before me, sword ready to counter any attack he'd possibly throw at me. But at the sound of Claudia's voice, I didn't even think twice as I dropped my sword, jumped over the railing of the arena and ran up the stairs. My body just...seemed to be moving on instinct. However, I sighed in relief upon reaching the top of the stairs. A tender smile began to paint my lips as I saw two toddlers standing on shaky, chubby legs, trying to venture themselves out of the Villa. I began to walk towards them as I allowed myself to relax. As I grew nearer to the 20-months-old siblings, they began to squeal happily. I didn't even hesitate as I wrapped my arms around their legs and picked them up, giggling as they wrapped their arms around my neck.

My beautiful children. Aurora and Leandro. Twins. A handful, but a true delight. The memory of Ezio's expression as he saw not one, but two bundles of blankets in my arms still made me laugh. He had been away in Venezia when I went into labor, on October 3rd 1486. A mercenary, upon Mario's orders, rushed to Venezia to warn Ezio of the impending arrival of his children. He met them two days later, as I was breastfeeding them. The excruciating pain I felt during labor still remained branded in my brain. But it was worth it. More than worth it.

Having two babies around improved everyone's mood, especially Maria's, who very often offered to take care of her grandchildren while I was out training. She's been smiling, lately. It's a small one, and she still barely talks, but it's a great improvement compared to the 10 years of silence we witnessed. Having them here was a blessing to the still healing family. I happily pecked my little Aurora's chubby cheek as Claudia showed up. She looked exhausted, but relieved. "Forgive me, (y/n)... they have been wanting to leave the office ever since you left to train with zio (uncle) Mario..."

"It's quite alright, Claudia." I giggled softly. "I'll keep an eye on them. Now, you look like you need some rest. Maybe you should go spend some time with a certain captain~" I playfully winked.

Much to my amusement, Claudia's cheeks turned pink. "H-He's probably busy..."

"Oh come on, Claudia!" I rolled my eyes. "You're getting married! You should go on and spend more time with him."

"Speaking of marriage," she swiftly interrupted my lecture with the raise of a hand and a smirk. "...when are the two of you going to exchange rings and make it official~?"

"We haven't discussed it yet." I shrugged with a soft smile as we began to walk. "Ezio's been busy in Venezia, keeping track of Rodrigo Borgia's movements. He's been waiting 12 years for this moment, so I understand that he prefers to focus on his target. He writes as often as he's able to, but...his last letter came three weeks ago, and I grow worried."

"Maybe you should ask uncle Mario to go back to Venezia for a few days." She suggested, and I quickly froze in surprise. But she was quick to talk before I had time to protest. "Do not lie to me. I know you sneak out of your room every night after putting your children to sleep, and sit of the rooftop of the Villa, like you used to with Ezio. You were not made to be a housewife, (y/n)..." Claudia gave me a soft smile. "I can take care of your children for a few days, while you go check up on Ezio. I know he will be glad to see you again."

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