Familiar faces, familiar sights

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A/N: I had so much fun writing this chapter. I couldn't prevent myself from laughing. XDD


Sofia, I quickly came to realize, was a very interesting woman. She was a passionate soul, always eager to learn, and more so, eager to spread her love for literature to the world surrounding her. Her passion was contagious, and before I realized it, I was grabbing a book that she had recommended to me. One of her best tomes, as she said. She was a curious woman, and so, it was no surprise when she began to ask questions about us. About why we were there, and how we knew about that secret door. But I held my tongue, preferring only to say that an old friend of ours had left it there, that he used to own the place before she came along. That seemed to have tamed her curiosity for a bit, but I knew it wouldn't be enough. But for now, she kept on putting her books away while I sat down on a mount of pillows in her courtyard. Ezio still hadn't arrived, so, I allowed the soft smell of incense to soothe me away into a peaceful trance before I gave her book a try.

Time flew by before I even realized it. Sofia was absolutely right about this book. Man, I HAD to hand it over to Ezio so he could read it. I was so caught up in the book that I hadn't even noticed Ezio standing there. But there he was, standing right before me with his arms crossed, an amused smile painting his lips. "So this is what you were doing this whole time?"

"Shut up. I also got to help Sofia." I laughed out as I closed the book. Only then, did I notice what he was holding. "What's that?" I tilted my head.

"A map, it seems. It was right next to the first key." He explained. "Come, I need to talk to Sofia."

"Are you going to tell her?" I finally asked as I stood up.

"No, I will not tell her everything. No need to get her involved unnecessarily." He shook his head. "But she might be able to help us. Come." He said, and with that, he walked back and into the library. I followed suit, wondering what it is he'll do. Sofia was sitting on a chair, her eyes focused on a book. But upon hearing the sound of our footsteps, she was quick to stand up.

"Salve (Hello), Ezio!" she smiled. "That took some time. What did you find?"

"Something that may interest you." He said as he presented her the map. Sofia didn't even hesitate as she placed the map down on her desk and observed it, using her book as weight to hold the paper down.

"Che meraviglia (How wonderful). And here is my shop!" she exclaimed, pointing at a precise location in the map.

"Look at the margins." Ezio urged.

"Strange symbols." She nodded. "And these are titles of books." I began to smile. Now I understood why Ezio thought she could help us. "Rare books! A few of these have not been seen for more than a millennium!"

"Niccolò Polo hid these books around the city. This map should tell us where." Ezio explained. Ooooh boy, she's getting more and more curious!

"Hmm. You are beginning to interest me. Vaguely." She said with a playful tone before her gaze lowered down to the map once more. I too, began to study the map closely.

A game, or real life? (Ezio x reader)Where stories live. Discover now