Even roses wither away...

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A/N: Whoo, at long last!!! Forgive the long wait. Given these exceptional circumstances, I was forced to do my final exams at home. But at last, I'm done! So here it is! Chapter 37! Hope you'll like it. 

Also, this is crazy!! Today, May 14th, marks the 1st anniversary of this story's 1st chapter! This story's a year old now! Jesus christ!!!

Just one more chapter, and this story's complete. My god, what a journey... 

I love you guys. I love each and every one of you for giving this fanfic a try. You guys rock. <3333


I thought I was heading back alone tonight, but surprisingly, that hadn't been the case, as Leandro's comforting hand held my own, along with Aurora's arm wrapped around my shoulders, my cane long forgotten as it waited back in the carriage. Mariana was being held in her father's arms as she slept, the day's events exhausting her beyond belief. And though I could see that tears had stained her cheeks, I doubt she quite realized what just happened. She was never going to see her dear nonno (grandpa) again... she wouldn't ever be able to play with him again, or wrap her arms around his neck, or even hear his soothing voice as he told her bedtime stories... Tears ran down my cheeks once more. I thought I was done crying, but....how could I...? How could I when his side of the bed would forever be empty? How could I when I would no longer feel his gentle caresses, his warmth, his kisses, his presence...? How could I when I would no longer be able to hear his deep voice, whispering soothing words against my ear as he wrapped his arms around me...? My vision began to blur as more tears ran down my cheeks. I felt numb. So, incredibly numb, to a point that I was having trouble walking. If it weren't for my children, I probably would've fallen to my knees again.

"Ezio....m-my Ezio...." I managed to say, over and over again. I felt so lost, so...broken...

"Come, Mother... you should get some rest..." I heard Leandro's soothing words, but...they sounded so far away... Nevertheless, I didn't protest when I no longer felt the ground beneath my feet. I didn't protest when I no longer felt the soft Autumn breeze, and I didn't protest when I felt the warmth of the sheets beneath me.

I don't remember falling asleep that night. If I had, it had been short and dreamless. The moon was high up in the sky, and clouds were starting to appear. So, knowing from experience that I wouldn't be able to sleep, I decided to leave the bed and head out of the bedroom. And before I could even reach the stairs, the soft sound of voices reached my ears. I froze in my tracks.

"Could not sleep, sister?" Leandro's voice echoed in the room as I heard steps walking to the living room.

"Just like you could not.", was her quick reply. A few seconds went by before Aurora pierced the silence with a soft sigh. "Papà (Daddy) was taken to the apothecary. I deployed Assassins all over the roofs to protect the body until the funeral."

"Good, good..." Leandro replied softly. "When is the funeral going to take place?"

"In a few days, I believe. Sfortunatamente (Unfortunately), it will not be enough time for the Assassins in Roma to come to the ceremony. My guess is that we could do a symbolic ceremony in the headquarters, so the Assassins can say goodbye to their former Mentore." I couldn't help but sigh before her reply. Oh, Ezio...

A game, or real life? (Ezio x reader)Where stories live. Discover now