Paranoid | 10

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Fluff | 🌺💙

3 am

Logan woke up to crying down the hall. He knew it was Layla and she was paranoid from something she got that from you.

"What's wrong, babydoll?"

He held her as her breathing got harder and her tears continued to fall

"Where's M-mama?"

"She's sleeping baby."

He put her on you bed and gave her, her pacifier, which she spit out and cried harder

"Your gonna watch up mama, LayLay"

She crawled over you and started poking your stomach as silent sobs left her mouth.

You grabbed her hand rubbing your thumb across her small palm

"What happened?"

"I-i not movin-ing and it was d-dark."

"Yeah?, you got scared huh?"

You say moving her blonde curls out of her face
She nodded laying against your chest

Logan was looking for something to make her happy

"Look babydoll?"

He gave her the koala she got for her first birthday

And she smiled

"You gonna sleep with mommy huh?"

She nodded and crawled over you to lay in the middle of your bed.

"I'm sorry you got scared baby."

"It's otay."

"Stop beating yourself up babygirl."

"But I feel like it's my fault she gets paranoid, what if she gets too scared to sleep in her room, you know how quiet she is I feel that it's consuming her and she's only 3."

"She's fine y/n She always been shy and quiet with everyone except for family I think she's just uncomfortable."

"But she's gonna get picked on when she starts school."

"No one will pick on her, she'll grow out of it and you were shy up until Junior year, so I know she's gonna be quiet don't worry okay,"

You nodded and played with her fingers as she slept

QOTD: Would you raise your kids the same way your mom, dad, guardian, and etc. raised you?

My answer is no. I would never

Logan Paul Imagines 2Where stories live. Discover now