Adoption | 48

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"So, we have tons of kids here in my facility as you have seen and they all deserve of a good home and I think you may like some but there's two I have picked out 3 that I think you would love so, which one would you like to see first. One is a boy, and other are a set of twins which is girl and a boy."

"I mean, I'm not sure."

"I know this is a tough decision, I'll show you Kaden first. Y/n!"

I flinched when my mom screamed my name causing all the girls around me to laugh and I stuck my tongue out at them getting the same reaction back. I stood up and fixing my dress and heading to her office.

"Yes ma'am?"

"I need you to get Kayden for me?"

"Ma'am there are about 30 Kayden's here."

She took a deep breath before answering

"Get Willis please?"


I left her office and walked out to the playground but I felt eyes watching me.

"I'm sorry for her"

"No it's fine is she your daughter?."

"Yes, she's been working here since she's turned 16 she's very good with kids they all love her."

He nods and smiles.

"Is she married?"

"That's funny, no she's 23 she says she's not getting married till around her early mid 30's why so many questions have you sparked an interest in my daughter?"

"Just slightly."

Kayden grabbed my hand and didn't look to happy about being adopted

"What's wrong my little superhero."

"I don't wanna get adopted."

"Why not?"

"I like being here I wanna be adopted later."

I nod smiling

"Well just be happy for now okay and remember one day or getting a new home and I promise you that okay."


We walked into my mom's office and he stood in front of me

"So Logan this is Kayden he's 7-"

"He's 8, mom is birthday was a few days ago."

She nods

"Thanks baby."

"What's your favorite thing to do Kayden?"

Logan asked him and he shrugged his shoulder

The interview lasted a little while longer

"You can go back and play now Kayden."

He ran out making me giggle

"He can be quite the handful, Y/n can you go get Grayson and Angel for me."

I nodded and headed upstairs

"So Angel and Grayson are 10 month olds, Angel has a Tourettes but it's not severe at all it's very mild case. Angel was the reason their biological parents sent them here they thought they were "werid" and their children were a mistake but I promise you they are nothing but sweet little balls of light. They are probably Y/n's favorite Pairing they call her mama as do a lot of kids that were raised up here. But when it comes to them they have a special connection with her."

"Do you think she'll be upset if I adopt them?"

"No of course not, she'll be happy I hope so, but you may have to take all 3 being that Y/n is Angel's care taker. I'm joking obviously but you and my daughter do seem to have chemistry the way she looked at you during Kayden's interview tells me you gave her butterflies and that's something new for her."

I picked up Angel since she was sleeping and grabbed Grayson's hand

"Where are we going?"

"We're going to see if we can find you and your sister a new home."

"Your leaving us?"

"No, bubs I'll never leave you I promise remember?"

He nods and we go back downstairs and into her office once again.

"So Logan this is Grayson and Angel they are very shy kids, say hi Grayson."

He hides behind my leg

"See I told you."

My mom says making Logan chuckle

"Y/n will you give Angel to Logan."

I looked at her.

"No it's fine, if she's attached to them."

I sighed and laid Angel in Logan's arm and she slept sucking her pacifier.

I held Grayson's hand and he was still wrapped around my leg.

This interview took about 30 minutes and I was zoned out.

"So it's official."

"Mom really?"

"Babygirl what is it?"

"I don't want them to leave me."

"Baby it'll be okay."

"I know he'll be a good father to them but I wouldn't be able to sleep at night not knowing they are okay if something happens."

"Okay lets settle something, Logan will you be okay with Y/n being Angel's caretaker? And y/n is a 100% certified to do so she does have a Masters degree in child development and care."

"Of course, I truly don't know the slightest bit about care for a child with her uniqueness."

"Are you okay with that sweetheart?"

I nodded and wiped my tears.

••••••••• About 2 Weeks Later •••••••••••

I was helping Logan strap in the twins car seats.

"Come here, Grayson"

He got into his seat and I buckled him.

I was rocking Angel and went over to Logan handing her to him.

"Your gonna follow me?"

I nodded and went over to my car. I sat down and took a deep breath.

Everything is fine.

Your stressing yourself out for no reason Y/n.

Its okay.

I started my car and plug my phone into the charger as a random playlist started playing automatically I followed him after he pulled off and relaxed a little bit.

Hey do you guys like this concept my friend said it would be a good fanfic but as if I need more of those but I could consider it. Tell me in the comments

This was requested by AllyKat36

Love you, babes ❤️

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