I love you | request | 40

448 6 2

Dedicated to annamae200408

Julia's POV

Avia and I, were in the living room playing with her mini kitchen set.

"Can you make mommy some eggs?"


She pulled out her pans and plates and I smiled

"Good morning, beautiful."

Logan says bending down and kissing me

"Good morning, to you princess."

She smiled and continued playing

"Julia, your court letter came in the mail yesterday."

I stood up and took the letter from his hand.

"Yes, I finally got full custody from Damien."

"That's amazing babygirl, you know I wish Avia would love me as much as I love her."

"She does it's just that it kinda always been me and her you know she's not use to having a actual caring and loving father.The more you play with her and talk to her the more she'll fall in love with you, she's already comfortable with you, she loves to sleep on your chest. Just get to know her okay bubba."

He smiled and I hugged him as Avia walked up to me with a plate

"Here you go."

"Thank you, love. Mmm they're so yummy."

She smiled and ran off.

"I want a baby."

I looked at Logan with wide eyes

"Excuse me, what was that."

"I'm gonna put a baby in you."

He pulled me up against him.

"Oh really now I never agreed to this."

He started placing kisses down my neck making me giggle

"Stop Avia right there."

"Fine only for her."

A few hours past and Logan was filming a podcast and Avia and I were outside playing her bouncy when he showed up

"Why are you here?"

"Don't act you don't miss me honey."

"Avia go inside and get daddy alright?"

She ran off

"Her daddy is right here and so is yours."

"I have a restraining order on you get away from me?!"

"Stop fucking yelling."

He struck me across my face and knocked me on the ground and Avia ran to me as Logan and Damien went after each other

"Mama are you okay?"

"Yes baby love, mama is okay but I want you to stay with me alright."

She nodded and held on to me.

Logan was kissing my forehead as I held a sleeping Avia

"Your okay right."

He asks running his finger down the bruise on my face.

"I'm fine, but thank you but you really didn't."

"Yes I did you are precious to me and I last thing I wanna see is you hurt alright."


"I love you."

"I love you too."

I hope this wasn't bad

Bye loves ❤️❤️❤️

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