Welcome Home pt.2 | 63

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You sat in bed with Cierra who was rolling on her tummy and playing with her rattle having the time of her life as you recorded her posting it to your snap captioning it 'my little bean♥️'.

The fans were obsessed with baby Cierra when they saw her in public they loved to take pictures with her or hold her and occasionally buy her a teddy bear or toy of some sort and it makes your heart swoon.

"You having fun there huh my baby love?"

She smiled and continued to roll around squealing, squirming, screaming all in happiness and joy though she was the most lively baby you've ever been around.

Logan came into the room with multiple clean blankets and binkies smiling at his little princess having time of her life.

"How long has she been doing that."

"about 10 minutes she's really enjoying herself."

"Can I ask you something?"

He says picking up Cierra holding her as she starts showing signs of tiredness.

"Sure what is it?"

"We should go on a vacation."

"Without Cierra?"

"If you want we can bring her but everyone is willing to keep her for a couple of weeks."

"I wanna bring her."

"you sure mama?, I'm trying to give you a little break."

"But I haven't been away for her for longer than an hour before."

" I promise you it'll be fine."

"Okay fine."

••••••••• ~ •••••••••• ~ •••••••••

You and Logan had decided to go Savannah, Georgia and stay at an Air BnB for a few weeks but after a few hours of being in the beautiful location you were missing your little angel like crazy and you couldn't even call Jake and Pam because it's 4 am and California and only 2:30 pm in Georgia.

Logan walked into the living room where you were sitting on the couch half in tears because you just wanted your baby.

"Y/n it's okay, you won't even let yourself relax wanna get in the pool?"

You shook your head ' no'

"wanna go on a walk around the fountains?"

"no. I wanna cry."

"well I'm not letting you do that, come on let's get in the pool."

"But Logan I want my baby."

You whined and started crying.

"Babygirl look at me."

You did and he wiped your tears

"Cierra is okay, when you get home you can hold her all you want I just want you to enjoy yourself right now okay? That's all I ask."

"I wanna kiss."

He kissed you and you smiled

"You know you are still that little shy girl that you were when we first met."

You blushed making him smile and start leaving light red hickeys down your neck and exposed chest.

"You love me right?"

He stopped his kisses and looked at you his eyes weren't as soft and gentle as they were just mere seconds ago more or so dark and a bit more imitating the longer your eyes kept contact with his the more you regretted your own words.

"Y/n don't fucking ever ask me that again, if I course I love you and don't you ever question the love I have for you."


You mumbled and of course it caught his attention making him smirk and that ego of his swell.

"Good girl, now go change and get in the pool with me okay?"



"Hi mama's baby how are you?! I missed you."

You say taking Cierra from Jake's arms making her squeal happy to see her mama once again. You kissed her forehead and Logan is just shaking his head the sight.

"Your gonna be a mess when princess goes off to school huh?"

"don't remind me."

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