First Day of School | 55

342 9 7

annamae200408 : request 😘


Y/n 3 year old daughter 'Amber' laid on her chest sleeping.

"Y/n, your gonna have to get her dressed soon."

"Shut up, I don't even want her going to school yet I'm gonna be so bored for 7 hours."

"You have me babygirl."

"That's fucking worst, oh my god your gonna fucking kill me"

He threw a pillow at me making me laugh.

Amber snuggle closer into my chest making me smile.

"Do you wanna go to school today momma's baby?"

She shakes her head yes softly half asleep
and I frowned moving her hair from her face.


It was 8am and Amber was dressed eating her breakfast at the kitchen table and Y/n has been in her feelings all morning.

"Y/n she will be fine."

"But I don't want her to leave me."

Y/n started tearing up again. And Logan hugged her and she rested her head on his chest.

"It'll be okay it's only for a few hours."

I nodded and finishing fixing her lunchbox.

"Come on, babygirl let mommy take some pictures."


She take some pictures in the living room and on the front porch.

"Your so cute you know that."

She nods smiling

"Come on, princess."

Logan calls out to her and she runs into his arms and he picks her up tickling her making her giggle and laugh.

I frown, and start to breakdown.

"Princess, give mommy a hug and tell her you'll be okay at school okay?"

She nods and goes to hug Y/n.

"Mommy I'll be okay alright?"

Y/n smiled and nods picking up her little girl.

"If you have a bad day we will go to your favorite yogurt place okay?, and even if you have a good we will go okay?"


She smiles excited as we walk to the car.

Y/n could tell her little girl was getting nervous. They were in the parking lot and Amber was clinging to her mom's leg.

"Beautiful, it's okay."

"No. I won't have any friends they are gonna pick on me because of my teeth."

Amber was going into pre-k at 3 years old because she was ready she was potty trained, and could understand basic instructions which was mandatory. But that made her the youngest of her class and she was embarrassed of her two front teeth which had came out not even a week ago.

Logan squatted down to her level and held her hands.

"love, you will be okay, no one is gonna pick on you. And you'll make friends because you are so friendly and sweet they will like you so much babydoll don't be scared."

Y/n kissed her forehead as her teacher stood at the door waiting for her.

"We love you beautiful."

"Love you too."

She hugged Y/n and her teacher grabbed her hand walking into her school.

It was 11am and Y/n sat in bed scrolling through her phone.

"So your just gonna be down all they babygirl?"

"I wanna another baby."

"You do?"

She nods and he smirks

"Okay then, love. I'll give you another baby  ."

Y/n smiled and kissed him which led to them cuddling watching a movie.

(I didn't feel like writing smut I was eating ice cream at the same time and it was vanilla so I was like nah this remind of something.)

It was time to pick up Amber and she was sitting on the bench with a little boy talking.

When she saw Y/n she ran into her arms.

"Hi, mama's baby, did you have a good day?"

"Yeah, I made a friend his name is Christian."

She says pointing to the boy that was on the bench next to her.

"And he's four!, he made me a bracelet today in class."

"That's sounds like so much fun you ready to get yogurt love?"

She nods and frowns looking at Christian

"Mama can Christian come?"

"We have to ask his parents first."

"Mama he doesn't have parents he walks home and his sister watches him please?"

I frowned and nodded

Maybe it would be okay what's the worst that could happen.

Love you babes 🥰

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