Lost Engagement Ring |17

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You paced around your house slowly losing your mind. You were both scared and extremely sad you had lost your engagement ring the one thing in world that you loved well except for Logan and your son Daniel and your daughter Danielle.

You wanted to bust into to tears knowing that one Logan would be mad that you lost the expensive piece of Paris jewelry and two that you would be deemed clumsy and forgetful.

You occupied yourself by cleaning up your kids playroom in hopes to take your mind off your empty finger. You put all his trucks into the bins and started putting up his crayons when your front door alarm went off and the sound of laughter and little feet filled your ears.

"Mama?!" Your son ran to you, jumping on you

"Hi bubs? Did you have fun?"

He nodded and stuck out his very blue tongue

"I see what did you eat?"

"a cupcake" you smiled

"I bet it was yummy huh? Go change into your nite-nite clothes okay"

The four year old nodded and ran off

As that overwhelming sadness came back and stared at your feet overthinking the whole situation as you got loss in your thoughts you didn't realize you were crying nor that your 5 month old and finance were standing in the doorway watching.

You heard Danielle hiccup and finally looked up wiping your eyes and standing up.

"What's wrong? Are you pregnant again?"

Your eyes widen

"What no? We're okay with two for right now"

"Than why were you crying?"

"I wasn't"

You grabbed Danielle from his arms and started patting her back

"Come on tell me, you know I won't get mad y/n"

His hand went to grabbed yours something he does to comfort you but you yanked it away

"What is wrong angel?"

You hated when he called you that it made you so vulnerable

"Umm- I- I"

You stuttered bouncing your babygirl around

"Just tell me beautiful"

"I lost my engagement ring" Logan looked at you with widen eyes and disbelief

"You did what?"

"I lost my engagement ring. I'm sorry I was cleaning and it just wasn't there and I knew you'd get upset with me so I didn't want to tell you and-" you broke down in tears as Danielle reached for her daddy

Logan grabbed her and wrapped his arms around you

"Y/n I'm not mad. It's just a ring it was more important to you than me we are already in love all that was, was a symbol of our love that doesn't make us official or not you know that"

"But it had the kids birthstones in it and it was so expensive and I just lost it" He grabbed your hand and locked fingers

"Y/n it's okay why don't we look for it after putting Daniel to sleep"

You laid your son down in his bed after cleaning him up and brushing his teeth.

"Goodnight bubs"

"Goodnight mama" he yawned and rolled over on his eyes holding this teddy bear

You walked back into the kitchen seeing Logan giving Danielle Cheerios in her high chair

"Ok you were in the kitchen cleaning up right?"

You nodded "and in the Landry room"

As you both searched but you couldn't help but feel that Logan was hiding his anger towards you.

20 mins later

" Y/n I don't we're gonna find it"

You sat on your kitchen Island tears swelling up in your eyes

"I'm sorry" you cried

You heard Danielle start choking and immediately started patting her back

"You okay lil mama"

You rocked her back and forth when what sounded like metal hit the ground

Logan picked up the object and you smiled tickling your daughters stomach

"Really Dani?, you gave mama a heart attack"

She giggled at your tickles and Logan slipped the ring back on your finger lacing his fingers with you and kissing your cheek

"You worry way too much"

Word count: 666😈

Here's a quick fluff for my loves❤️ I'm back....


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