Angels and Demons pt.2| 35

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—- A few years later —-

Y/n was still the pretty innocent girl who's heart I have broken a million times but always comes back because she's addicted.

"You didn't mean any of your 'I love you's?' did you?"

"I'm sorry Y/n, it's just I couldn't stop myself."

"Thanks for ruining my life for the past 6 years"

She was about to walk out and I pulled her back and against me

These fights were a recurring issue and it took a toll on both of us each time.

"Y/n I wanna commit to you I really do and you know that."

"Then why won't you, why do you have to break me every time, you don't know how hard I wanted to give up when you kicked me to curb like I was nothing, when I cried in the middle of a thunderstorm over you, why can't you just love me."

"You know why,"

"I truly don't Logan please tell me."

"I have trust issues, I don't wanna commit myself to you then you 3 months fucking around with some other guy."

"Why would I do that you? I don't have it in my heart to cheat on anybody"

She held my face in her hands and stared into my eyes

"I love you."

I nodded and she sighed kissing me.

"Come on, why don't we go back to sleep it too early for all of this alright?"

I nodded and we walked back upstairs and I laid down and watched Y/n change. She was way to beautiful and pure for me.

"Why are you staring?"

"Because your fucking stunning."

She rolled her eyes and climbed up on my lap

"Promise me somethings, okay?"

I nodded

"No more cheating, no more lies, and we can work out anything we are up against."

"I promise."

She smiled and she kissed me and I held her hips making her smile.

"I love you bubba"

"I love you too beautiful."



She smiled

Bye Loves💕

Logan Paul Imagines 2Where stories live. Discover now