Episode 3: (Summoned)

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An ice fragment glittered in the moonlight, its reflection revealing the green ninja's imprisonment. Three guards pulled the weakened ninja towards the dungeons.

"You fools!" A figure scurried to meet the soldiers. "The ice emperor specifically asked us to put corrupted ice on him as chains, not normal ice." He shook his head in disgust. "That's why he entrusted me as his advisor, not you imbeciles." Vex spoke. The guards quickly retrieved corrupted chains, and swapped them out.

Goodbye my idea to escape via dragon. Lloyd thought. He could already feel the effects of the chains -- his power, as well as strength, reducing to nothing. In fact, as they approached the cell, he barely made it before crashing onto the floor.

"I want guards posted around the clock! The emperor has mentioned to me he is one with powers, and we have no intention on letting him out." He nodded to the two guards, who made themselves quite comfortable around Lloyd's cell. Lloyd let out a sigh.

"Time to get comfortable." Lloyd muttered to himself. He looked around at his prison. The walls seemed infused with ice and brick, but a white sheen of ice coated the brick. The moonlight provided the only light to this dark and dreary prison. Lloyd scooted to the back of his cell, and made himself comfortable as one could be against hard rocks.

"Are...are you a prisoner too?" An unknown voice whispered. Lloyd jumped at the sudden voice, and turned around to see another person next to him.

"No, I just happen to enjoy sitting in an ice cold prison, and have my strength drained to the point where I can't feel my toes." Lloyd answered sarcastically.

The prisoner chuckled. "Its nice to have another person to talk with down here."

"How long have you been here for?" Lloyd inquired.

The individual sighed heavily. "Around twenty to thirty years, I believe. I got captured when the ice emperor took vengeance on my village. I don't know what grudge he had against it, but I do know the Formless Vex had something to do about it. What about you?" The prisoner asked.

"I was on a journey to save my friend, Zane, who I thought had been captured by the ice emperor. But, things didn't turn out as I had hoped." Lloyd replied.

"The chances of sneaking in here undetected with ice that can see your every movement is pretty slim. It's understandable to get caught in this manner. But as for the prisoner, I'm sorry my friend. I have been the only prisoner here, and no one else has entered these cells. There is a high chance he was executed for treason, frozen, or turned into a guard." The prisoner said.

"Oh it's not like that." Lloyd responded. The prisoner gave a questioned look.

"You see, I believed Zane was a prisoner, but in reality...he...uh....." Lloyd stammered.

"Go on....." The prisoner asked.

Lloyd paused. "If I tell you, you promise not to get mad with me or the person named Zane?"

"I promise. I haven't had anything new about the outside world, so please, continue." The prisoner responded.

Hesitant, Lloyd continued. "He is the ice emperor. My friend, Zane, the one who I've been searching for this entire time, was responsible for everything that has happened to your realm." Lloyd's voice toned down after his statement.

The prisoner remained quiet. "I feel so angry."

Bracing himself, Lloyd waited for the harsh language which would slander his friend's name.

"That man has killed thousands of people, and has laughed at their demise. I woke up to wailing and screaming for countless nights from people of all ages."

Lloyd stayed silent, listening to his response.

"But the fact that you claim to have gone on such a far journey to save your friend, and still speak highly of him, despite knowing the truth, proves to me you still have faith in him. Thus, I will have faith in you, and believe in your words."

Lloyd smiled. "Thank you. And we plan on breaking out soon."

"We?" The prisoner asked.

"Yes we." Lloyd said. "We the resistance."

How Ninjago Season 11 Should have endedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora