Episode 11: (For)

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Nya scooted closer to the flames, warming herself up. She also moved the unconscious wolf closer to the fire.

"So Nya, let me get this right. You manipulated the snow to get out the avalanche?" Jay asked.

Nya nodded with a smile. "Yup, apparently Sorla's teachings paid off. I never thought I was going to make it." She said.

"Well I'm just glad your ok." Cole responded, and Krag agreed.

"But what about this wolf you found?" Jay said. Nya shrugged.

"I don't know where it's from. I found it buried in the snow next to me, and I figured the poor wolf didn't deserve such a fate. And besides, he kind of looked like a cute dog. I figured if Zane had a falcon, why can't I have a wolf?" She said.

Jay shook his head with a sigh, and Cole moved closer to the fire. Krag started poking at the wolf, and it reacted to the touch. Krag jumped back, and the wolf stood on its paws.

"Awww, aren't you cute? I wish I had food for you, but we didn't bring any." Nya sighed. "Oh right, I forgot introductions! I'm Nya, and right next to me is Jay. That's Cole over there, and there's Krag." Nya pointed to every individual she mentioned.

Nya beckoned the wolf closer, as it had ran away from the group. While the wolf did move closer, a bright glow formed, and the wolf turned into a human shape. The group gasped as the wolf formed into Akita.

"I am not a boy. I am a formling, by the name of Akita. And I assume you are the friends Lloyd has talked about ever so fondly?" Akita replied. Jay just stood with his mouth gaping, and Nya had to lift up his jaw.

"You know Lloyd?" Cole questioned.

"And he's talked fondly about us?" Jay asked. The ninja stared at him. "What?" He said.

"Where is Lloyd? And how has he been?" Nya asked Akita. Akita looked down with a sad face.

"I thank you for saving me, but unfortunately, you couldn't save him as well. To answer your questions Cole and Nya, I do know Lloyd. We encountered each other,and teamed up since we shared a common goal. However, he got taken by the emperor. I'm sorry for your loss." Akita said.

"You mean, he's a prisoner? But that means he must have found Zane!" Nya said, filled with excitement. "We have to rescue them!"

"But what about Kai? He's still at the village by himself."  Jay pointed out.

"The village!" Akita shouted. All four looked at her, and she explained herself. "The emperor's ice dragon was headed there to freeze the place. I was running over to warn them, and I got trapped in this storm." Akita said.

"So the ice dragon attacked the village?" Cole asked. Akita nodded.

"We have to go back for him!" Nya said.

"But Nya, against a dragon? There's no way we would win. Plus, it's probably already attacked by now. The whole village would be encased in ice, and there would be too many people you would have to free."  Jay responded.

"In addition, Lloyd may be in danger of death. The ice emperor is known throughout the lands for beheading those without mercy." Akita added.

Nya stood, conflicted. She wanted to save her brother, but they would risk Lloyd being killed. She sighed. Her brother would have to wait.

"Let's try and defeat the ice emperor. Akita, do you know the way?" Nya asked.

"Yes. And if there's no storms, we could make it within a day." Akita replied.

"Ok." Nya said. Nya and the others gathered near the cave entrance, and Nya began to move the snow. Over time, sunlight started to touch the floor, and the entrance became unearthed.

"Akita, lead the way to the emperor's palace." Nya asked. Akita took the lead, and the group headed to the castle.

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