Episode 13: (Defines)

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Zane cursed at the scene in front of him. Everything had moved farther and farther away from his original plan, and the high chance of success he had started out with had now faded due to these new factors. And the main problem started with Akita.

At first, everything had worked out flawlessly. His elemental dragon wiped out the entire village, forcing the ninja to head towards him. Zane had also cut off the ninja's source for manpower - and even if Kai melted the ice, the ice he had used caused villagers to lose their memories of him.

Zane even witnessed his fellow teammate Kai succumb to the elements, which he played on loop. But the first thing that went wrong started with Akita, as well as her meeting with the ninja.

Zane had sent out a blizzard to freeze her, and even started an avalanche in hopes of wiping out the ninja and Akita. However, his plan backfired when the ninja met Akita, and she shared information about Lloyd's situation.

To make matters even worst, he soon learned about Wu's arrival, which threw a major kink in his plans. He sent his dragon back at them to slow their progress, but would have to find a permanent solution to the problem.

Zane sighed, but then a smile formed from his expression. The ninja and Wu were the last forces against him. If he could get his hands on the traveler's tree berries, he could rule all of Ninjago, and no one could stop him.

Still, as a precaution, Zane decided to speed up some aspects of his plans. He knew Kataru had a sibling relationship to Akita, and Lloyd to his master. Thus, he decided to use those two things as mental damage to his opponents, and as an assessment on Wu's powers. From there on, he could find a means of eliminating Wu.

With a plan in mind, Zane exited his throne room and began making his way through the dungeon. Every passage he took had the guards on high alert; if any were slacking off, they would be shown no mercy and be granted automatic death, only to be revived as an icicle statue.

Reaching the dungeon, Zane turned his frosty gaze towards the two prisoners. The room quickly dropped due to his entrance, and Zane watched as Lloyd moved towards the back of his cell.

Lloyd stared at his friend's cold blue eyes, and shivered. Kataru and Lloyd were having a conversation when the room had soon dropped in temperature. Kataru had warned him to stay silent, and he had moved to the back of his cell, as if he had gotten any closer, he might have lost his limbs.

Zane only stared at Lloyd for a few seconds, then moved on to Kataru. Kataru shivered at the lack of heat, but was better off than Lloyd due to his animalistic characteristics. One of the guards next to his prison sneaked a glance at the emperor, who responded by freezing his entire body; causing Lloyd to gasp in fear. The soldier crumbled to the ground, but then reshaped into a soldier void of flesh. Zane then turned his attention to the prisoners.

By now, Kataru backed into his prison, the room turning into a darker, more eerie glow. Lloyd did the same, but stayed closer to the emperor as he continued to regard him as a friend.

Zane looked straight at the guard, whom opened the door to the prison. Lloyd's spirits began to soar, but dropped when the guard sealed the door; leaving Kataru and Zane alone in the cell.

Kataru dropped to the ground, the temperature around him so cold, he frantically struggled to warm himself up by shaking his arms. Zane continued his stare, then flashed a look at Lloyd. Lloyd's hope blossomed into despair as Zane's eyes showed no mercy.

"And before you say it, no, it's not time for your death. Well, it might be, but not from me at the very least." Zane confirmed Lloyd's deepest fears.

Then why are you here? And from whom would we die to?" Lloyd bit back.

A cold, twisted smile erupted from his face, and although Lloyd only saw the man before him as a friend, he shuddered a bit.

"Isn't it ironic? It'll be from your own friends!" He laughed in the cell, and his laughter echoed in the palace.

"What are you talking about?" Lloyd said slowly. Zane flashed another look at Lloyd, which told him to shut up.

"Your master Wu has decided to enter my realm, and your pathetic little sister." Zane grabbed Kataru's chains and threw him across the prison; earning a yelp from the formling. "Has decided to join his friends." Kataru's eyes lightened at the statement.

"Akita's ok?" Kataru's eyes lightened up.

"Master Wu is here?" Lloyd came closer in excitement at the sudden development. Zane shook his head yes.

"Along with the metal known as P.I.X.A.L." Lloyd frowned at his statement, then his eyebrows decreased even more.

"Wait a second, why are you telling us this?" Lloyd asked. Zane looked at him again, and Lloyd slowly began backing away. Kataru, unaware of Lloyd's insecurity, still celebrated in happiness.

"I'm not going to lie here. I'm a bit surprised you noticed the underlying motive." Kataru froze at his statement, and Lloyd shrinked away.

Zane glanced back at Kataru, and gripped his staff. A bluish light emitted from it, and it headed straight towards Kataru. Kataru started screaming, and Lloyd ran up and banged at his jail cell.

"What are you doing to him?" He shouted. Zane ignored Lloyd's shouts, but grinned at Kataru's screams. Kataru's eyes changed from brown to blue, and the formling dropped to the ground.

Zane stopped his actions and exited Kataru's cell; coming into Lloyd's. The ice emperor had a looming presence, and every nerve in Lloyd's body told him to run, as he began turning blue. Zane retracted a bit on the temperature, and Lloyd sighed in relief. He then glanced up in a cautionary stare.

"Why are you doing this?" Lloyd asked.

"Raising the temperature? To make sure my subjects don't die before me." Zane crossed his arms.

"Subjects?" Lloyd said.

"Of course. The information I provided with you was for mental support. You see, humans or any being with intelligence react better in combat with higher moral support. And with more limbs attached to them." Zane replied

"Wait. Hold on. You said combat?" Lloyd repeated.

"Yes. Did you expect rainbows and sunshine?" Zane laughed. "Humans never stop hoping. It's fun to see that light in their eyes. But for now, you'll be working for me." Zane said seriously.

"But we would never serve under you!" Lloyd shouted. Lloyd heard Kataru groan, and he turned to see Kataru standing straight up, with glowing eyes.

"What did you do to him?" Lloyd said.

Zane smiled. "The same thing I'm about to do to you."

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