Episode 14: (Them)

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The vehicle headed at maximum thrust towards Zane's responder. Kai and Wu sat crammed in the second cockpit, while P.I.X.A.L. comfortably steered the group in the first cockpit.

"I think I see them!" Kai shouted over the intercom, which caused Wu to suppress a groan.

"He's correct. I'm dropping in altitude now. Be prepared to feel some sort of jump, as our cushioning melted off." P.I.X.A.L. said, lowering the vehicle in altitude. Kai held on to a railing, while Wu grabbed a ledge on the chair. The vehicle lowered, and met with the ninja.

P.I.X.A.L. hopped out first, Kai squirming out behind her. Wu jumped out last, stretching out from Kai's antics.

"Master Wu?  Master Wu! It's so good to see you." Jay said, pinning down Wu. Cole ran up to him and gave him a bear hug.

"Kai? Kai is that you?" Kai looked up to see Nya racing towards him.

"Yup, it's me Nya." He said, hugging her back.

"I thought I lost you. Wait, how's the village?" She asked, putting her arms on his shoulders.

Kai shook his head, his eyes filled with disappointment.

"They're gone, aren't they?" Kai looked over to find a new voice, Akita.

"Who are you?" Kai questioned.

"Nobody ever lives from an attack by the ice emperor." She said, shaking her head.

"Kai, this is Akita. Akita, Kai. She's a formling who explored with Lloyd, and she has the same goal as us." Nya explained.

Akita sniffed. "I intend to finish off the emperor, as everyone I know is dead."

Wu cleared his throat, ready to change the subject. "How are we going to carry all these people on the vehicle? We can barely fit three, and P.I.X.A.L. needs room to drive." He said.

"The palace isn't far from here. We could make it within a day by foot." Akita answered, crossing her arms.

"She is correct you know. Zane's signal isn't far." P.I.X.A.L. said.

"So Zane really is in the ice castle, huh?" Cole said, saddened. The entire group's moral dropped.

"Look on the bright side. Zane's not too far from us now." Nya offered, allowing Jay, Cole, and P.I.X.A.L. to brighten up.

A large roar broke their conversation, and the group looked up to see an ice dragon flying right at them.

"Not again." Kai said, summoning his flames. P.I.X.A.L. ran in the vehicle and tossed Wu a bamboo stick.

"I kept the orginal in a case because I was worried it might have melted at Briar's Edge. I'm sorry I swiped it." P.I.X.A.L. apologized.

"Did you say melted?" Cole cried out.

"Never mind that, we have a situation at hand. P.I.X.A.L. and Nya, man the vehicle. Kai, Cole, and Jay, use your powers to weaken it." Wu shouted out orders.

"I will also provide support." Akita said, shifting into her wolf form. Krag banged his chest and started charging at the dragon.

"Here it comes!" P.I.X.A.L. shouted. All three ninja started blasting their powers, while P.I.X.A.L. took off; Nya shooting off lazer beams. Krag jumped on the dragon's back, while Akita scratched at it.

"Is it working?" Kai asked, a continuous stream of fire burning from his hands. The dragon responded by blasting the vehicle, and Nya and P.I.X.A.L. leaped out before it shattered to pieces. The dragon shook off Krag, and flew up into the sky.

"I guess not." Cole replied. The dragon swung around, this time with ice forming in its mouth.

"Dodge!" Wu yelled. P.I.X.A.L. and Nya barrel rolled, while Kai, Jay, Cole, and Akita did the same. Wu jumped out of position, but Krag seemed unaware of the attack.

"Krag!" Cole shouted. Krag turned around right as the ice hit him. The dragon swooped up again, and Krag remained encased in ice.

"Krag." Kai pulled Cole away as the ice dragon flew around.

"We'll avenge Krag later. For now, let's get rid of the dragon and the ice emperor." Cole nodded, brushing away his tears, and focused his attention on the dragon.

"Fire!" Kai screamed. Kai threw two shots of fire, but the dragon still remained unaffected.

"The vehicle isn't operable. Master Wu, what do we do?" P.I.X.A.L. said, getting ready for another attack.

Wu looked around him. The team didn't have enough manpower to take down an entire dragon, and the time it would take could cause the situation to turn dire.

Wu closed his eyes, and surrounded himself in darkness.

"Master Wu, now isn't the time to go to sleep." Jay said. Kai agreed, the dragon beginning its next attack.

Wu opened his eyes, and summoned his dragon. Gold, metallic scales shimmered in the icy land, and Kai and Jay ooed and awed. Wu's dragon met ice, and the two began dueling each other in combat.

The ice dragon, seeing it's new opponent, blasted ice at the dragon. Wu's dragon responded with gold; and the ice and gold clashed at one another.

"Master Wu! I didn't know you could do that." Jay said in wonder. The two dragons then separated themselves, and blasted one another. The group marveled at the display, ice vs. gold. Each dragon sprayed its elements at the other, and both flew high in the air. They both surrounded one another as if they were in a duel.

The ice dragon flicked its tail at the golden dragon, ice shards headed towards it. On the other hand, the gold dragon responded with refracting beams of sunlight. The ice dragon, at a disadvantage, withdrew at the sunlight, but the golden dragon used this chance to pin down its head. The ice dragon wriggled around, clawing at his situation, then howled.  A storm began drawing, and the group looked up to see clouds forming.

"Master Wu!" Jay cried out. Wu paused him with his stick.

"It's going to be fine." He said. The ice dragon shot more shards at Wu's dragon using the storm, the shards as big as houses. The golden dragon paused, then shot sunlight at it, then broke the storm.

The golden dragon kept its pressure on the ice dragon, who threw more ice. It kept attempting to get back up, but Wu's dragon forced it to stay down. Eventually, the dragon let out a big howl, and collapsed on the floor, defeated. The ice dragon then splintered into ice particles, and Wu's dragon remained.

Wu came close to the gold dragon, who nudged Wu's head. Wu patted it, and the dragon disappeared into thin air.

"Well, that's one less obstacle in the way." Kai commented. Nya still stared in shock at the spectacle, Akita with her. Jay closed Nya's gaping mouth, and Nya brushed him aside.

"I suppose we should get moving now?" Nya said.

"Yes. With the supplies now gone, it's either now or never." Wu said, grasping his bamboo stick and beckoning P.I.X.A.L. and Akita to lead.

Akita took the main head, and P.I.X.A.L. followed her close behind. Nya and Jay stood side by side, and Kai and Cole walked next to Wu. The group continued walking, and reached  a clear sheen of ice.

"Can we stop for cake?" Cole asked, his stomach grumbling.

"Agreed." Kai said. "I haven't had a meal in ages." He complained.

"We're a few minutes away." P.I.X.A.L. pointed out. 

"She's right. The palace should be right past this mountain." Akita said.

Wu leaned against his stick. The landscape looked serene, despite the looming danger.

"What's that?" Cole said, using his arm to cover the midday sun.

"What's what?" Kai asked, doing the same.

"That." Cole extended his arm to a green figure racing towards them.

"Is that..?" Akita said.

"Lloyd?" Wu finished.

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