Episode 7: (People)

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Jay and Nya watched as Krag suffocated Cole with a giant bear hug. Krag had been hugging Cole so tightly, his face began to turn purple from the lack of air.

"Kra-, Krag! I can't breath." Cole wheezed. The yeti gently placed Cole next to him, and the four continued their walk towards the village.

"So Cole, you said you found something that will get us back home?" Nya asked as Cole sucked in oxygen.

Cole took out a brown bag, and gave it to Nya as he bent down wheezing. Nya opened the bag and Jay watched as she took out five berries.

"They're berries from traveler's tree." Cole said, fully recovered from Krag's hug. "Krag showed me to them after we fought. Now we can finally get back home after we find Zane."

"After Lloyd finds Zane." Nya corrected. Both Cole and Jay turned their heads, hiding their doubts about their friend.

"Do you think he's doing ok?" Jay asked, worrying over Lloyd's safety. Cole nodded the same.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he's fine. We always get out of situations like this, no matter what." Nya replied.  Nya honestly wasn't so sure herself. Lloyd had made no means of contacting them -- not like he could have -- and had went alone. Lloyd could have fallen victim to anything out here, and they were still extremely unfamiliar with the terrain.

Krag started stomping his feet, making enough sound to cause an avalanche. The ninja turned to look at him

"What is it Krag?" Cole inquired. Krag pointed to the dark clouds approaching. Nya and Jay followed his finger.

"We need to find shelter. Fast. Krag, do you know any place to hide here?" Nya asked. Krag nodded, and he took the lead.

The trio followed Krag into a mountain cave. When they entered, Jay saw a few brambles and sticks lining the cave. Cole reached them and placed them into a pile, in which Jay struck with his lightening.

"Issss anyone feeling a bit cold?" Jay stammered, rubbing his shoulders as an indication of the frigid temperature. The other ninja nodded.

Cole's stomach began to growl, and he placed his arm around it, rubbing it in circles. "What I wouldn't give to have a cake right now." He said with a grin. The other ninja shook their heads and flashed a quick smile, but returned to rubbing themselves warm.

Krag sat near the entrance of the cave, as his warm fur protected him from the harsh climate. He looked back at the ninja, and was tempted to join them near the warm fire, but stopped as soon as he heard a noise.

The other ninja began to stand up, as the noise grew louder. "What's that noise?" Jay asked fearfully.

"How should I know?" Nya whispered back. A larger sound soon echoed in the cave, and Cole pointed to the ceiling. A wide crack appeared in the cave wall.

"Guys, I think the cave's about to collapse." Jay said. Cole started moving towards the entrance, lightly stepping on his toes hoping to prevent further cracks. The ceiling, however, produced more cracks, and grew in size.

"Nya, don't you think its high time we run!?" Jay shouted. The wind had begun to howl, and the setting of the sun made the outside world look more ominous.

"But if we go out there, we could get lost and freeze to death. Besides, we have no supplies, and none of us has Kai's powers to lead us." Nya replied.

"But Nya, the cave's about to collapse!" Jay shouted, standing next to Krag and Cole who were at the edge of the cave entrance. The roof of the cave began collapsing under his shout, and Nya quickly jumped, then barrel rolled outside the cave. Her force caused the two other ninja to fall on their backs.

"Avalanche!" Cole screamed. Nya chuckled. "I don't think I hit you guys that hard. But it is freezing out here."

"No, not you." He said with a sigh. "That!" He pointed his finger towards a mountain of snow hurling at the group. Jay offered his hand to Nya, and she accepted it. The group then started to run.

"This isn't working!" Jay screamed, looking behind to see the impending snow. The snow had already covered their cave, and was gaining ground on the four.

Krag gestured to the group, and the three looked over to see another crevice in the mountain.

"Run!" Cole hollered. Cole sprinted at full speed, and Jay trailed not far behind him. Nya however, lagged in the back. Krag reached the entrance first, then Cole, then Jay.

"Come on, Nya!" Jay yelled. The avalanche laid right on her shoulders, and she attempted to run into the cave. But the snow soon piled over her, with Jay reaching out for her hand.

"Nya!" He screamed. The water ninja was soon buried in front of his eyes, his only love dead from the bitter climate.

"Nya." Jay whispered. Cole and Krag stood in shock. The very ninja who had remained so optimistic over there victory was now dead.

"She's, not gone, is she?" Cole said, staring at the snow. Jay placed his arm on his shoulder, then began to cry.

Cole walked over to the entrance, still in shock from the event. "Nya. Nya!" Cole shouted, snapping out of his trance. He then began to bang his fists against the snow.


The three looked at the snow, snapping out of their mourning tears to find a foot going through the snow.

"It's Nya! Quick, she needs our help!" Jay said, passing Krag and Cole. Jay started pulling on a foot, then stared at Cole.

"Are you going to help me?" Jay asked. Cole nodded and pulled on Jay.

"Krag!" Jay shouted. Krag ran over to help the three, and they pulled the figure out; sending the three flying onto the back of the cave.

"That hurt...." Cole complained, but Jay held no response. He instead was hugging Nya, who held a white colored wolf.

"Nya!" Cole said. Nya smiled at him, then shivered. Jay pulled out a stick, then zapped it. A small torch lit up the room.

"I thought I lost you. Don't ever do that again." Jay said, relieved of her return. Nya smiled, placing the wolf down and giving him a hug.

"Don't worry, I'm not ready to go yet." She said, and the group gathered around the torch.

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