Episode 19: (Brother vs. Sister)

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While the ninja continued their fight, Akita lunged at Kataru, aiming at him with her knife. Kataru dodged, and shifting into his bear form, lunged at Akita. Akita shifted into her wolf form, and the two growled at each other.

"Give up Akita. Your no match for me." Kataru said. Akita snarled at him.

"I'm no match for my brother, but I am a match for a fiend like you, ice emperor." Kataru snarled right back at her.

Akita started running, and leaped onto Kataru's back. She started slashing at his back, but Kataru thrusted her off. Akita landed on her feet and shifted into her human form, throwing a blade at his fur. The blade struck, and blood began gushing out. Kataru whimpered in pain, and Akita approached him with compassion.

Kataru grinned, blue eyes shining brighter. Realizing her mistake, Akita jumped back, but got raked by his claws. Akita clenched her teeth, ignoring the pain.

"You're no match for me either." Kataru said. Kataru ran over and jumped, attempting to sack her using his weight, but Akita only dodged again.

Akita knew she had the disadvantage. Her form weighed nothing compared to Kataru, and Kataru ran and moved as quickly as she did. Still, she summoned her claws, similar to wolverine's look, and ran towards him.

Kataru turned back into his human form, mimicking Akita with the claws. Akita lunged at Kataru, who sidestepped and turned to face her. Akita lunged again, this time pausing her momentum to slice him. Kataru responded by taking her leg and flipping her over, which earned him a cut. The cut caused Kataru to stop his throw, and mid air, she dropped on him like a bag of potatoes.

"You fight well, little formling." Kataru said. He pushed himself up in the form of a push up, and Akita leaped off him. Kataru growled, and ran to her again, but at a much faster pace. Akita used her claws to evade his attacks, but they continued in an endless barrage.

"Like the speed? I'm forcing him to use his full powers." Kataru said, pushing Akita back further and further.

"But, won't that kill him with prolonged use?" She said. Kataru rolled his eyes.

"I don't care. As long as he does the job, I'm content." He said, jumping over her to slash her. Akita moved to the left, but Kataru stuck his claws within the ice. Opportunity at hand, Akita ran over to finish him off, but Kataru kicked her with his legs. He then removed his claws, and faced her.

Both sides remained exhausted at their fight. Akita panted heavily, Kataru looking at her, but he then groaned and collapsed on the floor.

"Kataru!" Akita cried out. The formling brought his arm back up, and Akita saw his condition. Kataru clutched the side Akita had buried the knife in, and the wound continued to bleed.

Kataru stared at her with icy blue eyes, then dropped to the floor. Akita ran over to him, and the wound gushed out faster. Kataru had lost conscious by this time, and Akita realized he laid on the brink of death.

Scared, she looked around. The ninja had already defeated the soldiers, but she watched as three of them fought against five, with one clutching Lloyd's body. Akita glanced back at Kataru, and she ripped a sleeve off her shirt to bandage the blood. She then heaved him on her shoulder, and ran towards the ninja next to Lloyd.

"Nya, correct? Can you help him?" Akita whispered a plea. Nya looked up at her with tired eyes, and Akita realized ice crawled up Lloyd's body. Nya quickly looked back and used her powers to push it back. She let out a tired sigh.

"I can try, but I don't know how long I can handle two people." Nya replied. "Can you first attempt to stop the bleeding?"

"I tried bandaging him, but there's still blood." Akita said.

"You must've hit an artery, and the ice emperor might have seen the rapid blood loss as a cause of death. Your lucky he's not dead." Nya said.

"What do you mean?" Akita asked. Akita tore out another sleeve, and pressed the cloth firmly against the wound. The blood began slowing down, but continued flowing.

"It's Lloyd. Wu knocked him unconscious, but the ice emperor is freezing him to death. I can barely keep the ice from hitting his vital points, but I'll try slowing down your brother's blood flow." Nya turned to Kataru, and Akita watched the blood slow to a trickle, then stop. Kataru still remained unconscious, and Akita looked towards Nya in thanks.

"Thank you so much." She said.

"No problem." Nya replied. Nya dropped to the floor, and Akita pulled her back up.

"Are you ok?" Akita said. Nya sighed.

"I have to be. Or else Lloyd's going to die." Nya said, the ice crawling back up Lloyd's limbs. Akita helped her up, and the two did their best to save their friends.

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