Episode 9: (To)

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P.I.X.A.L. got in the cockpit, then looked back at Master Wu.

"Are you sure you want to go straight there?" She asked again. Wu nodded.

"We have enough supplies for a month. I'm sure we'll be fine." He replied. P.I.X.A.L. turned back to man her station, hoping Wu hadn't based his decision on his eagerness.

She began clicking the launch buttons and revved the boosters; setting them off.

"The location Aspheera said will take a few hours to reach. Do you mind searching up information about this place?" P.I.X.A.L. asked over the intercom. Wu replied with a yes, and searched up facts about the location. The place was known as Briar's Edge, and was a place the most elite explorers went. Out of the thousands that flocked there every year, only two or three groups made it back, often with limbs scorched or frozen.

Wu shared this information with P.I.X.A.L., and began thinking about their plan. Aspheera had stated the tree would be between the two hills, but why had nobody found it yet? Wu wondered as he drank some tea from the vehicle's compartment.

They soon landed on the outskirts of a village covered in mist. Wu scanned the village, and noticed the area as desolate. People walked with their face's downcast; and at a steady pace. Buildings were hardly lighted, and the town seemed dreary.

"This should be it." P.I.X.A.L. said, opening the cockpit and Wu's door. The two jumped out, and started walking to the town. They had left the vehicle within the foliage, as no parking space was big enough to fit it.

"For a place that supposedly has fire and ice raging on the hill tops, I'm surprised the temperature is so low." P.I.X.A.L. commented. Wu acknowledged this thought, and looked around. He spotted an entrance sign to the path ahead.

"Let's go. The trail starts over here." Wu began making his way towards the sign, but P.I.X.A.L. stopped him.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Aren't we being a bit too hasty? When we find this thing, we will go back for the vehicle, right?" Wu paused, then agreed. It made no sense to descend into a journey without the proper equipment. In fact, in doing so may make themselves an even greater burden to  the ninja.

"Right. All we will do is find a map, find the way there, then get back." Wu pronounced.

The two descended on the steps, and climbed higher and higher till they reached an outpost. The two found a man sitting at the desk with magazine on his face. Wu gently knocked against the place with his bamboo stick, and the man jolted awake; slipping off his chair then jumping straight up.

"Oh, oh, hi! The name's Jack, how can I help you?" The man said.

"We're looking for a map to explore Briar's Edge." Wu asked.

The man sighed, placing his arms on the outpost and leaning on it. "You guys got exploring permits?"

"Permits?" P.I.X.A.L. echoed.

"Yup. If you want to explore this place, you gotta have permits. Just too many folks dying around here causes the police force to come in on us and make it mandatory." He replied.

"What makes this place have such a low return rate anyways?" Wu inquired.

"Oh, most definitely the elements. You see, the place is famous for these berries that grow between the peaks. There's only two or three held in ninjago, and the black market buys 'em for a pretty penny. Unfortunately, to get to them is the hard part. The peaks are designed to prevent intruders from coming in. The first element you hit is fire, and oh boy, that gets most people. The temperature's said to be around five hundred degrees Celsius, and keep climbing until you hit the second part ice. And that one's a floozy."

"Go on..." P.I.X.A.L. asked.

Jack scratched his head. "Its almost like a wall. You first feel like your bones are melting, then you wanna run back to the heat. I got a survivor who told me when they took their thermometer out of their jacket, it shattered to pieces. Or was that his friend's arm? I forgot....."

P.I.X.A.L. widened her eyes.

"Anyways, once you pass that, there's a huge cavern, or precipice that drops straight down; like a hole in the ground. Nobody's been able to pass that part. There aren't any ledges, so ropes don't work. All in all, there's almost no chance in reaching the end of the the trail, though whatever I say never seems to deter explorers. But it's fine since you guys aren't going." He added.

"Is there any other way we could enter the trail without a permit?" P.I.X.A.L. asked. Jack shook his head no.

"I mean, you could enter without a pass, but would have to demonstrate a skill level equal to the ninja." Wu passed his bamboo stick to P.I.X.A.L., and began using spinjitzu. Jack's eyes brightened at the scene.

"Well, ah, excuse my ignorance. You all are free to go. Here's a map of the trail." He reached into the counter, and brought out two maps. P.I.X.A.L. took one, and started scanning it with her eyes. Jack looked in awe.

"Your a robot?" He screeched. P.I.X.A.L. stared at the man, confused at his statement. She thought the majority of Ninjago inhabitants would automatically recognize her as an android.

"Yes, I suppose we haven't introduced our names. I am P.I.X.A.L., an android, and this is Master Wu." She motioned towards Wu.

"Your THE Wu? Master of the ninja!? I'm such a huge fan, I'm so sorry I didn't recognize you." Jack looked ecstatic, and reached over the countertop to shake his hand, which extended for a long period of time.

"Yes, I am Wu, and please do let go of my hand." Jack realized his mistake, and shyed away. "But thank you for the information Jack, it's been a great help."

"No problem. Anything I can do to help. Also, if you don't mind, can I get a selfie?" Jack pulled out his phone with expectant eyes.

"Sure...." P.I.X.A.L. replied.

Jack grouped the three of them together, and took the picture. He then shook both of their hands again, and the two departed back to the vehicle.

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