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Before you say it, no, this is not another chapter. It ended. This is just news about what's coming up next.

The news I am about to say will affect this book, however.

1st: I plan on editing this book. There are many mistakes I have probably overlooked, so I will conduct a writing investigation. So don't be surprised if some chapters are re-uploaded. In addition, I may change the sentence format, etc., or some parts which don't make sense. Feel free to comment on where I made mistakes, I would appreciate the feedback.

2nd: Will there be a part 2? I do aim to make a follow-up, or continuation of this book, but after I edit this first book. If I were to set the timeline of the second part, it would occur between s11 and s12.

Update #1: Hi! I'm still here, and updating. I've been working on the second book and have been editing this one. But since it's break, I have more time to work on the second book, which has super long chapters ;-;

But anyways, I decided to share a little snippet of the second book. Enjoy!:

It'll be a couple more minutes!" Zane replied. Zane watched the oven drop to three minutes, and sighed. Jay really loved his cooking.

He started mixing a dressing, and watched as the blender mixed the liquid into the center. The dressing swirled around in the center, and Zane watched the lines pour itself into the middle.

He then noticed a red dot in the mixture, and he turned off the blender to look closer. There was no part in the recipe which called for cayenne, so he was a bit pertubed. He got even closer, and the dressing changed from a pasty orange to a scarlet red.

No, no, no, no-----

Zane shut his eyes, but found himself back on the ice emperor's throne.

Stop, remember? You're not him. You're not him.

He looked to his right, and saw Vex dragging in a human child.

Stop it!

"My emperor." Zane glanced at Vex in response.

Stop holding that staff. Stop sitting on that throne! Stop responding!

"Bring it closer." He said. Vex ushered the child closer, and Zane walked off his throne to greet it.

"How are you little one?" Zane said in a soft, caring tone.

"Leave me alone you monster!" She cried out.

Zane watched the child. "I'll leave you alone." He cooed.

The girl looked at him up and down, and her eyes flashed a bit of hope. There it was. That glimmer of hope they always gave at his words. He savored it from the bottom of his heart.

"Just do me one thing." He asked. The frightened girl nodded.

"I want you to scream." The little girl widened her eyes, and Zane laughed as she began bleeding from the ice he sent upon her. Red sores broke out upon her, and Zane enjoyed every moment of----

Hehehe. Hope you enjoyed.

Update #2: Tonight there will NOT be an update/edit. I plan to use this weekend to fully revise through the last parts of the book.

Part 2 news?

I am still working on Part 2. Please be patient, and thanks for reading.

Update: #3: Final Part 4 has been changed. A lot. While the same conclusion remains, the fight scenes are different, and this is because I wanted a more descriptive reason as to how his defeat occurred, and I wanted more fight scenes. Anyways, I just wanted to give earlier readers an explanation for the change, so otherwise, ignore this message.

Update #4: Hooray! I have completely finished editing the book! And the last chapter....

Has changed a crap ton to make a lot more sense. So old readers, you might want to revisit it, because the original version would make Book 2 confusing.

But hey, on the bright side, Book 1 is complete! So Book 2 can now be focused on a lot more, and perhaps be released soon!

Update #5: Book 2 will be released on February 28th. The first couple of chapters will be released, and updates will follow suit. The name of the second book will be 'Season 11.5'

Update #6: I was just surfing through some background pictures when I came across this picture. I kinda like it, so I decided to post it on as a book title (I don't own the rights to this picture).

Update #7: Book 2 has arrived! You can now find it under the title 'Season 11.5'! Hope you enjoy!

How Ninjago Season 11 Should have endedWhere stories live. Discover now