Episode 4: (Within)

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Zane sat comfortably on his ice throne watching the actions of the ninja. With the energy from the scroll, he was able to watch anyone through any part of his element - even if it branched off from his own. While Vex could only see his opponents or allies through ice, Zane could view anyone anywhere. Whether ice or snow, water or even wind, he could extend his focus on his realm.

Currently, he was observing Cole, Nya, and Jay playing around with a yeti. His viewing on the group was not out of self-interest, or entertainment. Rather, he was judging the size and strength of the mammal, and began calculating the most efficient strategy of putting it down.

"My emperor." Zane's concentration was shattered, and he traced the source of sound to his advisor, Vex, who bowed before him with two guards. Zane gave a frosted glaze at his employee, which summoned a few particles of ice, but motioned for him to speak. Vex's information about the Nether Realm had proved to him most useful, and he still had more to gather from him. However, Zane regarded him as no more than a simple soul seeking revenge, and would have already disposed of him if not for his intellect.

"The prisoner has been contained, as you have requested." Vex exclaimed proudly with a bow.

"Did I not tell you to leave me in peace?" He retorted. Vex's posture changed to an uneasy one, and his uneasiness strengthened when Zane ordered the two soldiers besides him to leave. Only Zane and Vex remained in the room.

Zane descended down his throne, each step freezing the stairs. As he drew closer, Vex's uneasiness turned to fear. Zane smiled. Vex's ability to manipulate others was terrifying, but when caught between a lion and a mouse, he does whatever he can to be on the lion's side.

Zane flashed Vex a smile, then placed his arm on Vex's shoulder. Ice started to grow on Vex, and Vex screamed in pain. The ice Zane normally used was cold enough to kill off any living being, so Zane wasn't surprised when he started seeing ice burns. 

"Please, my emperor." Vex begged him.

Zane took back the ice, and Vex let out a cold breath of relief. However, he dropped onto the floor and bowed; the pain he recieved apparent. 

"Even though I specifically told you to leave me, you entered without my orders. If not for your intel on the Never Realm,  I would have shattered you to pieces. Will you dare  defy me again?" He cast a glance at Vex, his eyes starting to freeze him again.

Vex panted between breaths. "N-no, my emperor."

"Good. I wanted your presence here anyways." Zane said.

"For what, my emperor?" Vex inquired.

Zane cast him another cold glance, which told Vex to shut up.

"The traveler who came to 'rescue' me came with more of his kind. Do you remember the stories I told you about these people?" Zane reminded Vex.

Vex nodded, obeying his emperor's wishes by answering without a verbal reply.

"There are four more, three with the yeti and one with the human village. Their elemental manipulations are earth, fire, water, and lightening. I want armor made to repel each element, especially against fire attacks. Understood?" Zane ordered.

Vex again nodded.

"Good. In addition, have 4 squads with at least 8 men in each. Each men should have armor and weapons made to repel these attacks. They will be the front fighters. Have the best, rather, people who have fought with such soldiers, and are naturally inclined at  leading to be their commanders." Zane continued on.

Vex raised his hands in order to suggest a comment. He had done so so many times in the past, his decision even saved Kataru's life.

"Speak." Zane said, his frosty eyes turning a bitter white.

"May I suggest adding an extra squad, or one capable of exploiting the weaknesses of each manipulator? Or at least a squad with the knowledge of such powers, and with the most effective countermeasures. Victory would surely be guaranteed in this manner, would it not?" Vex pointed out.

Zane glared at Vex with his eyes, the man shutting up once more. "If you had not been so hasty to voice your own thoughts, you may have listened to my entire plan. I also desire to make a squadron capable of destroying, or at least slowing down the enemy long enough for me to finish them off. I want Grimfax taking the lead on this personal squad, and it shall instead be a party of four, rather eight. Now knowing the measures I want to take, will you finally silence yourself and go summon Grimfax for me? I need time to make the soldiers myself." Zane said in a condescending tone.

Realizing his emperor's wishes, Vex scampered off in search of Grimfax, leaving Zane alone in the throne room. With no life-forms around him, he began creating soldiers of ice.

After spending decades in the Never Realm with the scroll of forbidden spinjitzu, Zane had learned of the scroll's basic functions, and purpose. The scroll mainly existed to boost the powers of an elemental master - thus, locked abilities were now brought to surface due to a sufficient supply of energy.

However, Zane had also come to learn that the scroll had another purpose, or rather, provided a darker aspect. The scroll was able to give its user the ability to cancel out spinjitzu; and Zane called this ability 'nullification.'

This specific ability is what Zane decided to give his soldiers. Using the already cold room to speed up the process, he fashioned four soldiers with the ability to fight, and transfers some of the nullification ability into them. He then orders his normal soldiers to give up their armor to these ice warriors, and to bring in Lloyd.

Vex returns with Grimfax around the same time the soldiers do with Lloyd, whose green eyes carry a twinge of fear. Again, Zane smiles. It's only day one and Lloyd already fears him.

Judging the room to be strong enough against Lloyd's powers, he orders his guards to surround the throne in case of the prisoner's attempt to break out. He then ordered his guards to take off the chains bounded around Lloyd's hands.

"I want you and Grimfax to stay near the doors." Zane ordered Vex. Nodding in submission, the two did as commanded; sealing the green ninja inside.

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