Episode 8: (Begin)

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Kai swung in his hammock, watching the men go about their daily jobs. Ever since the reawakening of his element, the village held a more cheerful, charismatic atmosphere. Kids flocked all over to see his, truly; asking him to light up frozen fish or melt cups of ice into water. Some even revered him, which Kai personally enjoyed.

Kai looked out over the distance, in particular, where Nya and Jay had gone. A couple of hours had already passed, and they still hadn't returned yet. To make matters worst, none of them had been carrying any supplies, and dark clouds had already begun to gather.

A tug pulled him from his gaze, and Kai looked down to see a child grabbing his sleeve. "Mr. Ninja, do you mind using your flames to melt this?" The kid indicated to a piece of frozen meat on a stick he held.

"Uh, it's Mr. Kai to you. " Kai retorted, rolling his eyes. "But sure, you may have your roasted meat." Kai summoned his flames, and the ice started melting. The kid's eyes widened in amazement, but his joy was extinguished when the flames were snuffed out.

"Mr. Kai? What happened?" The kid looked up at him with opened eyes.

"Nothing, its nothing. I'll get the flames back up in no time." Kai summoned his flames once more, but they soon snuffed out.

"What's going on? And wait, is it getting colder?" Kai yelled in frustration. The air around him started dropping, and the child next to him shivered.

"Mr. Kai, I think we should go inside." The kid said. Kai offered the child his hand, and the kid led the way. The two started to move towards the center of the village, when a large screech cut through the air.

"Mr. Kai, what's that? I'm scared." The kid trembled, and the two watched an ice dragon appear out of the sky.

"Can you take this kid inside?" Kai asked a random tribesmen. He nodded, and the kid ran inside.

Kai again tried to activate his powers. "Why can't I use my powers?" Kai cried out.

"It might be because of the air temperature. You'll have to try harder if you want to bring up a flame." Kai turned to find Sorla watching the dragon loom closer.

Kai concentrated on one of his hands, and brought up a small flame. He did the same for his other, and threw them at the dragon. The dragon seemed to remain unaffected from it, and began blasting the village with ice.

"No!" Kai jumped up to the top of a house to avoid a blast. When he looked over his shoulders, he saw half the village frozen in ice.

"You have to find the others Kai. Find the rest of your friends, and please, bring an end to this eternal winter." Kai looked up to see the dragon getting ready for another attack.

"Sorla! Run!" He screamed. Sorla looked at him with gentle eyes, and closed them as the dragon blasted her. All that remained was a fragment of ice, with Sorla entombed in it. The ice dragon, seeing the village frozen, started flying back to its master. Kai was left all alone.

Kai jumped down from the house, and began looking for survivors. A harsh winter wind stopped him, and he found the blizzard right upon him.

Kai considered his options. All of the village's supplies laid frozen, and he could stay, but would eventually succumb to the elements. Or he could try and find the others, which would be the better option. He looked around the village, and decided to go with the latter, despite the blizzard covering the sky.

"Don't worry Sorla. I'll stop this emperor and bring back everyone he took away." He whispered. Kai summoned a flame to his one hand, and used it as a light. He began trekking on the path Lloyd had taken, as he hoped he would discover or encounter someone out there.

As he continued to trek, the air became even colder, and his flame started growing smaller.

"I.....have to keep going." He whispered. The sun had already dipped behind the horizon, and the temperature with it. Kai had long ago lost feeling in his feet, but he stopped every so often to make sure he didn't get frostbite.

He paused, and looked down at a landmark. This was the same landmark he had encountered for the past hour.

"I've been going around in circles?" He muttered. While angry, he knew anger wouldn't help him in his dire situation.

Kai looked around for shelter. However, the place he was in had no trees; only a barren wasteland.

"I, I can't quit. Not here, not now!" Kai started trekking at a rapid pace, but a blast of wind knocked him back.

"Maybe I should fall asleep. Maybe this is all a dream, and if I go to sleep, I'll find Zane and the others in Ninjago." Kai thought to himself, stuck in the snow. He stared up at the howling snow, and decided it would be best to take a quick rest.

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