Chapter Three

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While I was brushing my teeth I got a text from Megan.

Megan: Bring clothes with you to school xx

Me: Okay?

Megan: ttyl x

I got a hoodie, denim jacket and black leggings from my wardrobe and shoved them into my schoolbag, it took a while to fit them in because of all the books and copies. After I put my bag on my back, went downstairs and said goodbye to Michael before getting on the bus.

I met up with Megan when I got to school, she still wouldn't tell me why she told me to bring clothes with me.

"What's first class?" Megan asked me closing her locker.

"Biology, I think," I said as I opened my locker to look at my schedule "Yeah biology."

"I don't want to go," Megan groaned picking up her schoolbag.

"Same but at least you're good at biology," I stuffed the clothes into my locker and took out my biology book.

"It's so easy I don't know how you find it hard."

"I can't pay attention in class, Ms Brown's voice literally hurts my ears," I said putting my hands over my ears "I have to sit in class with one hand covering an ear at all times, at least you don't have to sit in the front."

"Oh shit the bell went five minutes ago," Megan said looking at her phone.


We slowly walked to the biology lab, we were already over five minutes late might as well take our time and make it ten minutes late. When we got to the door Ms Brown was sitting at her desk typing on the computer.

"Do we really need to go?" I asked tempted to just turn around and leave.

"Yes because we need our names to be put in as present in the system before we can ditch," Megan said reaching for the door handle.

"We're ditching?" I asked.

"For someone who's smart you're very slow," Megan said opening the door.

"Megan, please take your seat," Ms Brown said smiling "Miss Clifford, you're late."

Is this bitch serious?

"I literally just walked in with Megan," I said and gave a confused look to Megan.

"I'm not talking to Megan, I'm talking to you. That's a note in your journal," Ms Brown said holding out her hand for me to give her my journal.

I unzipped my schoolbag and got my journal out. I reluctantly handed it over to her and watched as she wrote me a behaviour note. She was one of those teachers who picked favourites and picked students who she will hate for the rest of her life. She also taught Michael and hated him so I'm pretty sure there's some sort of correlation there. The behaviour note meant Megan and I would have to stay in school for next class and homeroom.

During the rest of biology Ms Brown kept asking me to answer questions that I obviously didn't know. Nothing interesting happened in English and then we had homeroom. I got my homeroom teacher to sign my note and then waited for it to be over.

"You want to walk into town or drive?" Megan asked me as we got our clothes out of our lockers.

"We should probably just walk, driving out of the school will be more noticeable plus it's only like a ten minute walk," I said closing my locker.

"Okay, lets go."

We walked out one of the fire exits that wasn't alarmed and snuck out of the school gates. It took us just under ten minutes to get into town and then we found a shop with restrooms that we could change in. Megan put on black jeans and a pink t-shirt. We put our uniforms into our schoolbags and left the shop.

"You should be wearing pink,"Megan said as she looked at my outfit.

"Oh shit yeah it's Wednesday," I said realising.

"We'll just need to buy you something pink," Megan said smiling.

"I would but I only have ten dollars," I said taking the money out of my pocket.

"Seriously?" she asked, waiting for me to say I was joking.

"I didn't know we'd be ditching to go shopping," I replied.

"Well I guess we'll be shopping on a budget then," she said and a smile reappeared on her face.

"Wait, technically I am wearing pink," I said and pulled out one of the straps to my pink bra.

"Good enough," she said nodding in aproval.

We spent the next few hours shopping before deciding to get food in McDonalds. After we got our food we sat down at a booth and started eating.

"Isn't that Michael?" Megan asked staring at someone behind me.

I turned around and my brother was standing in the line waiting to order food, a few seconds later Luke walks up to him.

"Yeah that's Michael and he can't see me here," I said quickly turning back to Megan.

"Is it really that big of a deal if he sees you?" she asked eating a fry.

"Well he definitely won't be happy if he sees me," I glanced back and as far as I could tell he hadn't seen me yet.

"Just go to the restroom and I'll text you when he's gone or when it's safe to leave," she said while eating.

"Okay but don't eat my food," I said closing the box for my chicken nuggets.

I got up and quickly walked to the restrooms. I waited five minutes before getting a text from Megan saying it was safe to come out. I walked out of the women's restroom and accidentally walked into someone.

"Sorrry," I said not looking at who it was and went to start walking away.

"Thea?" I looked back and realised it was Luke.


"No?" I replied slightly panicked.

"Shouldn't you be in school?" He asked me.

"Technically yes," I said giving an awkward smile.

"Don't worry I won't tell Michael," He said and winked at me and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Thank you," I said quickly before I turned around to go back to Megan, I heard him let out a chuckle as I walked away.

I sat down and noticed half my fries were gone. I glared at Megan for a few seconds while she avoided making eye contact.

"My fries are gone," I said still staring at her.

"Huh that's weird," she said still avoiding eye contact.

"I swear if even one of my chicken nuggets are missing I will kill you."

We spent another hour walking around before changing back into our uniforms and walked back to school. I got the bus home and considering Michael didn't say anything to me, I think it's safe to say Luke didn't tell him I was ditching.

author's note
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