Chapter Twenty

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"I'm home!" I yelled walking in the front door, Megan coming in after me.

"Michael went to work," a voice called back from upstairs.

"Is that Calum?" I said looking over at Megan.

We walked upstairs to Michael's room and opened the door. Calum and Luke were sitting on Michael's bed playing video games.

"Why are you guys here if Michael isn't?" Megan asked looking in the door.

"Luke comes here for the free food," I said looking at the empty pizza boxes on the floor.

"We're trying to get past this level in the game and Michael said we can stay," Calum said, not looking away from the TV.

"Are my parents home?" I asked leaning against the door frame.

"No, we would have been kicked out hours ago if they were," Luke said.

"What time did Michael leave?" I asked.

"Like twelve," Calum said shrugging.

"It's four, you two have been here on your own for four hours?" Megan said using her fingers to do the math.

"You both have your own apartments," I said shaking my head.

Megan and I left to go to my bedroom. We put our bags down and jumped onto my bed.

"You know now is the perfect opportunity," Megan said sitting up.

"For what?" I asked confused and looked over at her.

"Your brother is gone and Luke is here," she said wiggling her eyebrows.

"No," I said shaking my head.

"Yes," she said nodding her head.

"You don't have to do this."

We're already dating

"You haven't had a boyfriend since you were fourteen, it's time."

"You can't set me up with my brother's best friend."


"You're such an only child," I let out a laugh and sat up.

"Fine, I won't do anything. I'm going to go get a drink," she got up off the bed and walked out the door before I could say anything.

"God help me," I sighed lying back.

Five minutes later Megan came back in, without a drink.

"There's a massive spider in your bathroom," Megan said.

"Ew, go tell Luke or Calum."

"I barely know them," she said shaking her head.

"We've all hung out together like a hundred times."

"Can you just do it, I hate spiders," she pouted.

"Fine," I got up and walked out of my room and into the bathroom "There's no spider," I said looking around.

"Weird," she said and shut the door.

"What are you doing?" I tried to open the door but it wouldn't open "Megan!"

"I think the door is stuck."

A few minutes later the door opened and Luke walked in before the door was shut again.

"Megan said there was a spider," Luke said.

"Of course she did," I said walking back over to the door and it wouldn't open.


"The handle fell off sorry," she said and I heard rattling coming from the door handle.

"Are you unscrewing it?" I asked banging on the door.

"Uh, no," she called back and I hear her walk away.

"What just happened?" Luke asked confused.

"Megan is trying to set us up," I said sitting down on the edge of the bath.

"She still doesn't know?" he asked sitting down beside me.

"No, she just thinks I have a crush on you," I said and rested my head on his shoulder.

"How long do you think she'll leave us in here."

"No idea. Did you bring your phone with you?"

"No," he said checking his pockets

"Well shit."

"When does Michael get home?"

"I think six."

"Lets hope she lets us out before six then."

"I don't know how we'd explain to Michael why we were both in the bathroom together," I said laughing.

"Maybe you should just tell Megan we're dating."

"She'd probably accidentally let it slip and then Michael would definitely find out."

"When are we going to tell Michael?" Luke asked and I lifted my head off his shoulder and looked at him.

"I don't know."

"We can't keep it a secret forever."

"I know but we've only been dating almost a month."

"I don't know why you're afraid to tell him, you're his little sister, I'm his best friend, there's a chance he could try to kill me," Luke said and I lightly elbowed him.

"Michael is not going to kill you."

"So then why are you so scared?"

"I don't want him to be mad at us and I'm the one who lives with him."

"He's moving out in a month or two."

"Okay, we'll tell him when he moves out," I said nodding.

"It's almost our one month anniversary?" Luke asked smiling at me.

"This Friday."

"I'm taking you on a date this Friday then," Luke said kissing me.

"I can't wait," I said and kissed him back.

"Luke? Are you in here?" Calum asked from outside the bathroom.

"Yes, can you unlock the door?" Luke asked standing up.

"There's no handle," Calum replied and I rolled my eyes.

"Tell Megan to give you the handle and the screws," I said walking over to the door.

"Oh hi Thea," Calum said before walking from the door.

Five minutes later Calum came back and told us he had the door handle. After another few minutes the door was opened.

"Thank you," I said to Calum as I walked out of the bathroom "Megan! Come out you little bitch!"

Megan walked out from my bedroom, her eyes widened as she saw me and she let out a yelp before shutting the bedroom door and locking it. "Fuck off! Don't kill me!" she shrieked from behind the door.

"One of you two are definitely going to end up killing the other at some point," Calum said after a few moments of silence.

"I don't know if her craziness is going to make her kill me or me kill her...or both," I said banging on my bedroom door "Can I hang out with you guys?" I asked turning back around to them.

I spent the next hour or so watching Calum and Luke play video games. Around half six Michael walked into the room.

"Why are you here and why was Megan sneaking out of the house?" Michael asked noticing me.

"It's a long story,"  I said getting up and leaving his bedroom.

"Are you going to tell me it?" Michael asked.

"No," I replied walking into my bedroom.

author's note
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