Chapter Twenty Four

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"Luke," I called out, seeing him walk past my bedroom door.

"What?" he asked walking back to my door.

"Any chance you have like ten minutes to spare?" I asked smiling.

"Maybe, why?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Can I paint your nails?" I asked looking down at the pile of nail polishes that was on my bed.

"Sure," he shrugged and walked over to my bed and sat down.

"Really? I thought I'd have to convince you. What colour do you want?" I asked spreading out all the nail polishes. He looked through them before handing one to me. "We'll be matching," I said holding out my hand, showing off my red nails.

"Why will it take ten minutes to paint my nails?" he asked as I grabbed one of his hands and started painting his nails.

"Because I'm really shit at this and will definitely mess up at least five times," I said trying to not messing up.

"You're cute when you're concentrating."

"Shh...fuck," I grabbed a cotton pad and got some nail polish remover and wiped off the nail polish and started over.

"How's Megan doing at keeping our secret?"

"She almost let it slip around Michael once when she was about to make a joke about us," I said applying the nail polish.

"What kind of joke?"

"A sex joke about the size of your dick."

"Really?" he asked grinning slightly.

"Yeah, at least we only have to keep us a secret for another month."

"Thank god, I'm getting tired of lying to Michael."

"Me too."

"My family are visiting me next month for my birthday and I was wondering if you wanted to meet them," he asked after a few minutes of silence, he was playing his lip ring nervously.

"I've already met them before."

"I know but I want to introduce you as my girlfriend this time."

"Oh, yeah I'd like that," I said smiling "And I'm done but you need to wait for them to dry."

"It looks nice," he said looking at his nails.

"When Michael moves out we won't see each other every day anymore," I said frowning as the realisation hit me.

"I never thought about that."

"It's going to be so boring boring without anyone else here, no Michael, no you and no Calum or Ashton. I don't know how I'll survive when my parents are home without Michael here."

"I'll try come over as much as I can," he said holding my hand.

"You're going to mess up your nails," I said pouting and making him laugh.

"You know you don't have to live here."

"I'm seventeen where am I going to go?"

"You could move in with Michael...or me."

"You'd let me move in with you?" I asked surprised.


"I don't know, mam and dad would probably make a big deal out of it and report me as kidnapped or something ridiculous like that." I said shaking my head.

"The offer still stands," he said shrugging.

"If you guys are making out or having sex warn me now," Ashton said opening the door and covering his eyes with his hand.

"It's safe to look," I said and Ashton put down his hand.

"Michael is wondering where you are so come up with an excuse get back downstairs," Ashton said.

"Bye," Luke said as he got up and followed Ashton out of my bedroom.

author's note
Sorry this is so short, I needed a filler chapter and didn't really know what to write.
Chapter Twenty Five mightn't be up tomorrow because I won't have a chance to write it tonight.
Also nail polish on guys is so hot.
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