Chapter Ten

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"Hey," Megan said opening her front door.

"Your hair," I said my eyes widening, her long blonde hair now just reached her shoulders.

"I got bored so I cut it," she said and ran her hand through her hair.

"You didn't even tell me."

"You didn't tell me you were getting a septum piercing."

"I sent you a picture right before Michael did it."

"Just come into my house already, my mom just made cookies." I walked in the door and followed Megan to her kitchen.

"Cookie?" Megan's mom asked me holding out a tray of cookies.

"Thank you," I said grabbing one, Megan's mom always made the best cookies.

"I'll put the rest on a plate and bring them up to the three of you."

Three of us?

"Thanks mom."

We left the kitchen and started walking down the hall to her bedroom.

"Who else is here?" I asked.

"Charlie, from the party," she said "You remember her right?"

"Yeah, hook up list girl."

"Shut up," she said as we walked in the door.

Charlie was sitting on Megan's bed on her phone.

"Hi," I said as I sat down on the bed.

"Oh hey, Tara, right?" she said putting down her phone.

"Thea," I said.

"Right, sorry."

"Where's Larry?" I asked turning to Megan.

"Probably under the bed," Megan said and bent down to look for him "Found him."

A few seconds later Larry, Megan's cat walked out from under the bed and Megan stood back up before sitting down on the bed. Larry jumped up on the bed and sat down on my lap.

"Hello Larry," I said petting him.

"Here's your cookies girls," Megan's mom said walking in the door with a plate of cookies in her hand "Don't give any to Larry."

"It was one time when were ten," Megan said defensively.

"You weren't the one who had to clean up his vomit and take him to the vet."

"It was six years ago."

"Don't stay up too late tonight and be quiet," Megan's mom said before leaving.

"We should do face masks," Charlie suggested and Megan and I nodded in agreement.

Megan got out one of her lush face masks and we took turns putting them on each other.

"Don't get it in my hair," Charlie said as Megan was putting on her face mask.

"Larry you can't eat a face mask," Megan said shooing Larry away as he tried to lick the face mask off her face.

"Is there anything that cat won't eat?" Charlie asked laughing.

"We don't think so," I said thinking back to the time he tried to eat my phone and the other time when he ate a chunk out of one of Megan's shoes.

"We should take a picture with the face masks," Megan said when she finished putting on Charlie's "Thea use your phone it has the best camera."

I took out my phone and went onto the snapchat camera.

"You take it," I handed my phone to Megan.

"Smile bitches," Megan said holding up my phone and taking the picture.

"We look good," Charlie said looking at the picture.

"Save it," I said before shoving a cookie in my mouth. I took my phone back off Megan and put the picture up on my story.

"Do you have Charlie on snapchat?" Megan asked me.

"No, what's your snap?" I asked Charlie and searched the username she told me and added her. A few seconds later I got a notification that she added me back.

After we washed off the face masks I noticed I had a notification.

Snapchat: from Luke

I unlocked my phone and opened his message. He had replied to my story:

Cute x

A smile formed on my face and I sent him back a selfie.

"What are you smiling at?" Megan asked trying to look at my phone.

"Nothing," I said and turned off my phone.

"Does someone have a boyfriend?" she asked nudging me.

"No." It wasn't a total lie, Luke isn't officially my boyfriend.

"Sure," she said sarcastically "So Charlie, any luck with Luke?"

Well this just got awkward.

"I followed him on Instagram but he didn't follow me back," Charlie said and I forced myself not to smile.

"Maybe you should move onto some other guy," I said trying to sound casual.

"We just need to get him to notice you," Megan said reassuringly.

"Don't worry I can get any guy to notice me," Charlie said shrugging.

"Just because you can get any guy to notice you that doesn't mean you can get any guy to hook up with you," I said letting my jealous side slip out.

"Thea," Megan said frowning at me.

"What? Gay people exist," I said, it may not be why I said but it's still true.

"Is he gay? That would make so much sense," Charlie said nodding to herself.

"We should watch a movie, I heard about this really good one called He's Just Not That into You," I said.

"I've seen that, it's so good," Charlie said.

"I'll see if it's on Netflix," Megan said while giving me a fed up look.

Halfway through the movie Megan asked to talk to me in the hall. We got up off the bed and left the room, leaving Charlie in the room.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Megan whisper yelled.

"It doesn't matter," I said.

"Then why are you acting like a total bitch? I know you used to like Luke when we were eleven but it's been five years get over it."

"I still like him," I whispered.

"Wait, what?" she asked as her face fell.

"I have feelings for him," I said.

"Oh shit." she said her eyes widening "Now it makes sense."


"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I thought I was over him but then I wasn't."

"Okay, I promise to stop trying to help Charlie get with Luke."

"Thank you."

author's note
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