Chapter Twenty Three

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(A/N This is what I imagine Noah to look like. The actor is Jordan Rodrigues.)

After school on Friday, the day before my birthday, Megan and Charlie came over to stay the night.

"I have everything planned for tomorrow, I've probably invited half the school. How likely are your neighbours to call the police?" Megan rambled on while frantically looking through her list.

"We've never gotten any complaints from them before so not likely, I guess," I said looking over her shoulder "How long is that list?"

"Three pages, front and back. Where's Michael?"

"I don't k-"

"Michael!" Megan yelled, cutting me off.

"Why are you yelling? Why is she yelling?" Michael asked appearing at my bedroom door.

"Here's a list of what you need to buy for us for tomorrow and all the money you'll need," Megan handed him a list and an envelope.

"This is all alcohol," Michael said reading it.

"I'm pretty sure I saw her write coke on there somewhere," Charlie piped up.

"I feel the need to ask this. Which type of coke?" Michael asked with a worried look.

"The kind you drink, unless you know a good dealer," Megan said with a straight face, Michael and I looked at each other with wide eyes.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that," Michael said turning around and walking away.

"Hey, who got you this bear?" Charlie asked holding up the teddy Luke got me.

"I got it for myself, he's cute," I said taking the teddy off her.

"You got it for yourself?" Charlie asked giving me a look that screamed 'how pathetic'.

"Don't judge me."

"By the way I invited Ashton, Luke and Calum. That's okay, right?" Megan said typing on her phone.

"Obviously, even if you didn't invite them they would have shown up anyway," I said and Megan nodded.

"You're seventeen in twp minutes," Megan said and I checked the time on my phone.

11:58 p.m.

"Oh shit, I am," I said putting my phone down.

"I'm going to be the first person to sing you happy birthday," Megan said grinning.

"You don't have to sing it, a simple happy birthday Thea will do," I said dreading how many times I was going to hear it being sang.

As soon as it turned midnight Megan sang, more like screamed, happy birthday to me.

"Thank you," I said hugging her.

"Happy birthday," Michael said coming into my bedroom. He handed me a card and left.

I looked down at my phone and I had one text.

Luke: Happy birthday x

Me: thank you xx

"Who's that?" Megan asked trying to see my phone.

"It's my mam," I said and put down my phone.

"It sucks that your parents aren't here for your birthday," Charlie said.

"Yeah," I sighed.

"Well now we get to have an amazing party at least," Megan said with a sympathetic look before pulling me in for another hug.

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