Chapter Twenty Five

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I wasn't bothered to walk to Megan's house they day of her birthday so I got Luke to drive all the way to my house just to bring me to Megan's house. After I said goodbye to Luke, I got out of his car and walked up to the front door. Megan opened the door, I walked inside and handed her a card. When we were eleven and had stopped playing with dolls and toys we decided to just give each other twenty dollars instead of presents, it was way easier especially considering how bad we were at buying presents and it stopped us from overspending and making the other feel bad about not spending enough.

"We're about to put on a movie," Megan said holding up a DVD in her hand.

"You're just in time, the pizza got here a few minutes ago," Megan's mam called out from the kitchen.

"Hey Mrs Campbell," I said walking into the kitchen. Megan and I grabbed plates and glasses while her mam got the pizzas and drinks. We all went into the sitting room, put the stuff on the coffee table and sat down on the couch. Megan's mam put the movie into the DVD player and we started eating while the trailers were playing.

"Is dad coming to visit today?" Megan asked while shoving a slice of pepperoni pizza in her mouth.

"He said he'll try be here but things are busy with the baby," Mrs Campbell sighed giving a sympathetic smile.

"He could just bring Jennifer and Jack with him. Jack's my half brother and I met him once," Megan said finishing her slice of pizza. Megan's parents split up when she was young, it wasn't a messy break up so they still got along as well as exes could get along.

"I'll text him to get his ass over here with Jennifer and the baby. Did I show you the pictures he sent me of James, he's gorgeous," Mrs Campbell said turning around her phone to us.

"Can we get a baby?" Megan asked making an audible 'aw' noise.


"She wants to get knocked up when she's eighteen," I said making Megan nearly choke on her pizza before she hit me.

"Not until after college or after you get yourself a job," Mrs Campbell said as she was typing on her phone "Remind me to put condoms on the shopping list."

"She needs to be getting laid to get pregnant," I laughed earning another hit Megan.

"This is my birthday, you're meant to be nice to me," Megan said pretending to cry "Also I think if anyone is getting pregnant here it's Thea."

"Have you got yourself a boyfriend? Is he cute? Megan never gets herself boyfriends."

"Thea's dating her brother's best friend," Megan said earning a hit from me.

"Which one is he?"

"This is him," I said after a few seconds of looking through my photos.

"Oh he is cute, does he have a brother?" Mrs Campbell said making me and Megan laugh.

"Mam!" Megan said mid laughter.

"Yeah he has two older brothers," I finally said after stopping laughing.

When the movie was over and we had eaten all the pizza, we stacked up the plates and glasses and headed back to the kitchen.

"Can we have cake now?" Megan asked putting the plates in the sink.

"Sure, it's on the ta-Larry! Get away from the cake," Mrs Campbell said as Larry was slowly walking towards the cake, he froze and looked over at us.

"Come here Larry," I said and grabbed him off the table. I sat on the floor and played with Larry while Megan and her mam were getting plates and getting ready to cut the cake.

"We need to sing happy birthday," Mrs Campbell said putting the knife down.

"Do we have to?" Megan asked scrunching her face.

"It's your birthday, come on Thea it's time to sing."

After we sang happy birthday to an unimpressed Megan, her mam cut the cake and handed us slices before we went back to the sitting room. When we finished our slices of cake Megan made us all play Just Dance 4. I had to sit down halfway through our fifth song because Megan accidentally hit me in the head with her Wii remote.

"I can already feel a bump forming," I said holding my head as I lied down on the couch.

"Don't be dramatic," Megan walked over to me and felt the side of my head "Oh shit, sorry."

The door bell rang and Megan's mam came back in with Megan's dad and Jennifer who was holding a baby carrier seat.

"Hi dad," Megan said, a smile lit up her face and she gave him a hug. She said hello to Jennifer before diverting her attention to James. "He's so cute, his hands are so tiny."

The adults went out to the kitchen while Megan and I looked after James.

"How could you not want a baby when they're this cute," Megan said playing peek a boo with him.

"He is adorable but not all babies are adorable, it's the sad truth," I said looking over her shoulder.

author's note
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