Chapter Six

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*Thea's POV*

I woke up with a slight head ache which was made worse by the fact that I forgot to close my curtains so the sun was shining in my face. I groaned and sat up, looking around my room. Luke was asleep in desk chair. As soon as I saw him the memories of the night before came flooding back.

I kissed Luke. I kissed my brother's best friend and...he rejected me. Why did I even kiss him? It's not like I like him or anything. I mean sure he's hot, and nice, and funny and I've have thoughts about kissing him and maybe other stuff but that doesn't mean I like him, right? I can't like him. How am I ever going to talk to him again after embarrassing myself like that, everything is going to be so awkward. Why did I have to fuck everything up?

"I need a cigarette," I mumbled to myself. I quietly got up and grabbed my pack and lighter, careful not to wake up Luke. The last thing I want is to have to talk to him now.

I walked downstairs carefully trying not to step on the people passed out on the floor. I found Megan passed out hugging a potted plant with her face in the dirt and a pool of vomit.

Ew, I am not cleaning that up.

Then I found Ashton, Michael and Calum all passed out in the sitting room along with a few other people who were passed out in various locations. The entire house was littered with cups and empty bottle of alcohol. There was also toilet paper all over the kitchen and the floor felt sticky from the spilt drinks.

I opened the back door and walked out to the back of the garden, I didn't want Luke to wake up and find me there again. I sat down leaning against the trunk of a tree, facing our back wall, away from the house. I took out a cigarette and lit it. As I took a draw from it I felt myself relax and my headache dulled. I exhaled slowly and watched the smoke pass through my lips. I pulled my phone out of bralette which was the closest thing to a pocket my outfit had, I was surprised it managed to stay there the whole night though. I pressed the home button and 12:57 flashed on the screen.

It's too early to be awake.

I take another draw from the cigarette, inhaling the smoke. No one else would probably be awake for a while but I was awake, hungover and craving McDonalds. I very quickly realised I didn't have any money on me.

"Fuck," I groaned to myself, knowing my purse was in my bedroom.

When I finished the cigarette I put it out and put it back in the box. I stood up and wiped the dirt off my skirt. I made my way back into the house and quietly walked back upstairs. I stood outside my bedroom door hoping Luke wasn't awake yet. I peaked my head in and Luke was still asleep. I scanned the room for my purse and saw it on my dresser which was in arms reach from my door. I grabbed it and made my way to McDonalds. Did I look like I was doing the walk of shame the entire way to McDonalds? Probably. Did I care? No.

A few hours later I was back at my house, praying that he wasn't still here. When I walked in I noticed Megan wasn't by the plant pot anymore and most of the people who were passed out were gone. I could hear talking from the kitchen, I slowly walked to the door and saw Michael, Ashton and Megan talking.

"Where were you?" Michael asked noticing me.

"I went to McDonalds," I said walking into the kitchen.

"Did you bring us back anything?" Ashton asked.

"No," I said sitting down at the kitchen table.

"You went into town looking like that?" Michael asked me.

"Yeah," I said.

"You could have brushed your hair at least," Michael said before shrugging.

"I'm too hungover to care," I said as I crossed my arms on the table and rested my head on them "Where's Calum?" I asked.

"He had to leave," Michael said.

"So no food?" Ashton asked.

"Who wants to help me clean?" Megan asked looking around at the mess and a series of no's followed.

"Hey," I heard Luke say, I looked back and he was standing at the door. His hair is all messed up from him sleeping, making him look even more attractive. He had no right to be that hot this early in the morning especially when I'm trying to avoid him.

"Where were you?" Ashton asked.

"I fell asleep in the bathroom," Luke lied.

"Actually, I think I'm going to start cleaning upstairs," I said getting up and quickly walked passed Luke and went upstairs.

Since I said I was going to clean and I need to get my mind off of a certain someone, I actually started to clean. Thankfully not many people came upstairs or stayed upstairs once they realise the bedrooms were locked. I got a bin bag from the bathroom and started picking up cups and bottles off the floor.

"Why are you acting weird?" Megan asked, she was standing at the top of the stairs.

"I'm not," I said and continued picking up stuff off the ground.

"You are," she said crossing her arms.

"Or maybe I'm just incredibly hungover and don't want to deal with like five people right now," I said getting iritated.

"You were acting weird last night too," she said, can she not just drop it?

"You mean when I was drunk?"

"I'm going to go downstairs," she said and started going back down.

I guess I'll add her name to the list of people I should probably apologise to. So far there's her and Luke on there but I'm avoiding him so she's top priority once Luke leaves and I can go back downstairs.

By the time Luke had left I had managed to clean almost the entire upstairs except for the blocked toilet in the bathroom, I may believe in equal rights but one of the guys can do that. I walked downstairs with the bin bag that was now full and put it down in the kitchen. Megan was on the floor trying to clean up the sticky mess of spilled alcohol.

"Hi," I said awkwardly and she looked up.

"So you want to talk to me now," she said rolling her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I was acting weird and I shouldn't have gotten annoyed at you for pointing it out but I don't want to talk about it right now," I said.

"Apology accepted," she got up off the floor and gave me a hug "But I fully expect you to tell me exactly what's going on...when you're ready."

"Someone fucking took a shit in our garden!" Michael said walking in through the backdoor.

"Someone also left a used condom in your sittingroom," Ashton said walking into the kitchen trying not to gag.

"Oh yeah someone blocked the toilet," I said "Michael you want to take care of that?" I asked

"Fuck no, I clearly remember you two saying you'd clean up after the party," Michael said pointing at me and Megan.

"Megan you remember when you said to me you'd clean up after the party," I said looking at Megan.

"No way am I cleaning up human shit, a used condom and a toilet that's blocked with who knows what," Megan said grimacing.

"Ashton?" I asked looking at him.

"This isn't my house and I didn't promise anyone I would clean up so I'm going to go," Ashton said slowly walking out the kitchen and to the front door "Bye bitches," he said before leaving.

author's note
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