Chapter Twelve

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Megan and I were waiting by our lockers for Charlie to meet us, Megan had texted her where our lockers were. Class was starting in five minutes but we decided to ask if we could show her around to skip.

"Hey," Charlie said walking towards us.

"Hi," Megan and I said at the same time.

"I hate your uniform. Who thought these skirts were a good idea?" she said motioning to the unflattering school skirt.

"You need to roll it up if you want it to look half decent," I said pulling up my shirt slightly to show my skirt which was rolled up.

"Thanks for the tip, doesn't the school care?" she asked while rolling up her skirt.

"As long as you can't see your ass they won't say anything," Megan said shrugging.

"Should we go to class?" Charlie asked when the bell went.

"Nope we're giving you a tour of the school instead," I said picking up my schoolbag.

"Do you have your timetable?" Megan asked and Charlie searched through her bag for a few seconds before pulling out a sheet of paper and handing it to Megan. "Oh you're in our class," Megan said reading the sheet.

"That's good," Charlie smiled.

"Lets start the tour," I said when the hallway was cleared of people.

"First of all if the room number has a 'G' it's on the ground floor and if it has an 'F' it's upstairs and the school is basically like a square so you can't really get lost," Megan said as we started our tour.

"That's the canteen the food is okay but they tried to make everything healthier so all the good food is gone," I said as we walked past past the canteen.

"It really was tragic when they got rid of hot chips," Megan said shaking her head.

"Anyway the gym is at the end of the hallway to the left, the computer room is upstairs, all the science labs are upstairs and that's all you really need to know," I said thinking of the different rooms in the school.

"Okay," Charlie said nodding.

"We have like thirty minutes left to do whatever," Megan said looking at her phone.

"To our spot?" I asked.

"To our spot."

"What's the spot?" Charlie asked confused following behind us.

"It's an old shed that no one uses anymore," I said as we walked outside into the school yard.

We reached the shed and found another bucket for Charlie to sit on. I opened my schoolbag and took out my pack of cigarettes.

"Want one?" I held the pack out towards Charlie.

"Sure," Charlie reached out and took one.

I lit up my cigarette and handed the lighter to Charlie. She lit it, took a draw and almost immediately started coughing, making me and Megan laugh.

"You don't smoke do you?" I asked taking a draw and exhaling the smoke a few moments later.

"I don't either you don't have to do it," Megan gave her a sympathetic look.

"No it's okay, I want to," Charlie said trying it again and coughing again.

"Okay I don't want to be responsible for getting you started on smoking, so I'm just take that," I said taking the cigarette from her.

"So you can smoke but I can't?" she said crossing her arms and pouting like a child.

"You're not even doing it right and I already smoke, you don't. There's a difference," I said putting out the cigarette carefully before putting it back in the pack, so it won't go to waste.

"Anyway, so why did you move schools?" Megan asked trying to change the subject.

"I didn't like my old school and I wasn't that close with anyone there so I asked if I could move."

"Didn't you say you had a friend that goes here?" Megan asked.

"Oh yeah her name is Zoe Taylor," Charlie said, I recognised the name, Zoe was in the year above us and was one of the popular girls in that year.

"How do you know her?" I asked curious.

"Family friend," she shrugged.


"Okay but like you know the way it takes hours for a baby to be born," Megan said eating a forkful of pasta.

"Sure?" I said.

"When someone has twins why does it only take minutes for the second child to pop out?" she asked making Charlie and I laugh "It's a serious question."

"I don't know, the body is ready," I said eating some pasta "This literally has no flavour."

"It's a school lunch what do expect?" Charlie shrugged.

"Flavour, I expect flavour," I pushed the pasta around on the plate with my fork.

"If you won't eat it, I will," Megan said and I pushed the plate towards her "Thank you."

"I better get an A on the biology test on Wednesday," I groaned.

"Why?" Charlie asked.

"I can't get my phone back until I get an A in biology," I said sighing.

"But you have a phone?" Charlie questioned looking at the phone in front of me on the table.

"That's my brother's old secret phone, he gave it to me to use until I get my phone back and I need to get an A on the test this week because my parents are gone on Friday on another business trip and I don't know where they put my phone," I said.

"That sucks. I'm pretty good at biology if you want me to help you study," Charlie said with a sympathetic look.

"Could you actually? That would be amazing."

"After school tomorrow then?"


author's note
It makes me so happy seeing new countries pop up on the demographics map and seeing new unique readers.
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