Chapter Twenty One

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Friday came around and I had left it until the very last minute to buy a gift for Luke. I expected Luke would insist on paying for our date, so I had to get him something. When the school bell rang and school was over I got on the bus like usual but got off on a stop that was closer to town. I spent an hour walking around town and only managed to get Luke's favourite sweets and chocolate and a gift bag to put everything in. I was about to give up and just give him the sweets when I saw a music shop. I walked in and bought guitar picks for him, at least it was something he would use.

I wasn't bothered to walk all the way home so I just got a taxi home. When I walked in the front door my dad was waiting for me.

"Why didn't you get the bus home?" he asked with his arms crossed. He always made sure to be extra strict and overprotective when him and mam were home, as if to make up for the years of never being there for us and basically neglecting us and leaving us to take care of ourselves for weeks at a time since I was ten and Michael was thirteen.

"I had to go into town to get some stuff," I said trying to walk upstairs but he blocked me.

"What did you have to get?"

"Why do you need to know?" I asked trying to get past him.

"What are you hiding?"

"I had to buy tampons. Okay? You know cause I'm on my period," I lied getting impatient.

"Fine," he said and moved out of my way.

I went up to my bedroom and left the stuff on my bed before going down to the kitchen.

"Just wanted to make sure, is it's still okay if I have a sleepover at Megan's house tonight?" I asked my mam who was typing on her laptop.

"Yeah sure whatever," she said not paying attention.

"Great," I mumbled to myself.

I went back to my bedroom and started getting ready. I threw on black jeans, a black crop top and an over-sized flannel shirt, that I may have stolen from Luke. I put on my usual makeup and straightened my hair.

At six o'clock I got a text from Luke saying her was here. I put on my docs and grabbed my purse and my gift for Luke. I quietly left the house, so no one would notice that I'm not bringing anything with me when I'm meant to be staying the night at Megan's house. I got into Luke's car and he started driving.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"I'm taking you to a restaurant," Luke said playing with his lip ring between his teeth.

"What kind?"


"I love Chinese food."

"I know."

"I always forget we've known each other for like ten years, is there anything you don't know about me?"

"There's definitely stuff I don't know."

"Like what?"

"I don't know, that's the point."

"I know something you don't know," I said smiling.

"What?" he glanced over at me.

"My bra size."

"Actually I do know that," he said smirking.

"Luke Robert Hemmings how do you know that?"

"I was dared to steal one of your bras once."

"Did you take my pink bra?"


"I blamed Megan for that," I said laughing. I didn't talk to Megan for a week because it was one of my favourite bras and it wasn't cheap.

When we got to the restaurant we got seated and ordered food.

"I got you a gift," I said handing him the gift bag.

"Thank you," he said looking at what was inside.

"I didn't really know what to get you," I said.

"I love them," he said making me smile.

"I got you a teddy but I forgot it at my apartment."

"We'll just have to go back to your apartment then."

"What time do you need to be home by?"

"I told my parents I was staying at Megan's so I can stay the whole night, if that okay with you."

"It's perfect," he said reaching across the table to hold my hand "Is that my flannel?"

"You can get it back when I get my bra back."

After dinner went back to Luke's apartment and he gave me the teddy bear he bought for me. It was a small bear that was holding a red heart.

"It's so cute," I said holding it to my chest.

"Sorry it's not much-"

"Shut up, I love it and you payed our dinner," I pulled him in for a hug "I don't want you thinking that you need to spend a lot of money on me or buy expensive gifts for me because you don't."

"I know," he whispered resting his head on mine "I have something else for you though, close your eyes."

"I swear if you spent even more money on me I'm making you return whatever it is," I said closing my eyes.

A minute later I heard Luke walking back towards me "Open your eyes."

I opened my eyes and started laughing at the sight of Luke shirtless, wearing my pink bra.

"Pink really suits you," I said walking towards him "I need to take a picture of this."

"No," he said as I got my phone out.


"Fine," he said and posed as I took the picture.

"You know I've never taken a bra off someone else before," I said trying not to laugh as I reached around and unhooked the bra.

"I feel so naked," he said putting his hands over his chest.

"How did you even get that on?" I asked looking at the bra on the floor.

"I don't even know," he said before leaning down to kiss me.

As the kiss got deeper, we stumbled into his bedroom tripping and falling onto his bed in the process. When we broke apart to laugh I took my flannel and top off before kissing him again. Luke opened his mouth to allow more access and our tongues moved together. I felt his hands move up to the clasp of my bra before unhooking it, I took it off and threw it across the room.

"Is now special enough?" I asked pulling away, breathless.

"Are you sure?" Luke asked resting his hands on my hips.

"Do you have a condom?" I asked and he nodded "Then yes." he reached over and opened a drawer taking out a condom.

author's note
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