Chapter Twenty Seven

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I sat on Luke's couch nervously tapping my foot. I had met his family multiple times before, especially when we were growing up. But it was different this time, I wasn't just his best friend's younger sister. I was his girlfriend. Luke was running around making sure his apartment was clean and getting everything ready for when his family arrived.

"What time are they coming?" I asked checking the time on my phone. Luke continued moving around and I could hear the clattering of plates coming from behind me, in the kitchen.

"They should be here soon," Luke finally said after finishing what he was doing.

"Okay," I said nodding my head.

"Relax," Luke said putting his hands on my shoulders, I looked back to see him standing behind the couch. I gave him a smile and nodded.

"It would be easier if they didn't already know me, I was a weird child and I had no filter until I was ten," I said cringing as memories from my childhood flashed through my mind.

"True but if it makes you feel better I'm currently dating you after knowing you during that part of your life," Luke walked around the couch and sat down beside me, I shifted my position so my legs were on his lap and I was lying down.

"Do you think they still remember?"

"Probably," Luke said and I silently cursed as there was a knock on the door.

"Is it too late to leave? I could just hide in the bedroom."

"Stay," Luke said pointing at me, he got up and walked over to the door. He opened the door and said hello before stepping back. Jack and Ben walked in the door.

"You must be Luke's girlfriend," Jack said noticing me.

"Yeah," I said sheepishly, getting up off the couch.

"You look really familiar," Ben said staring at me intently.

"You've know her since she was like six," Luke said and after a moment Ben started laughing.

"You're dating you best friend's little sister," Ben finally said.

"Oh shit, Thea?" Jack asked recognising me.

"That's me," I said letting out a nervous laugh.

"She's seventeen, don't call her his little sister. It makes it sound like I'm dating a twelve year old," Luke said grimacing.

"How did Michael react?" Ben asked, Luke and I exchanged a look before Luke spoke.

"He doesn't know. Yet."

"This just keeps getting better," Ben said with an amused look on his face.

"Where's mum?" Luke asked changing the topic.

"She should be here any minute," Jack said as there was a knock on the door.

Luke opened the door and Liz walked in and pulled him into a hug and told him happy birthday.

"Mum. this is my girlfriend, Thea," Luke gestured at me and I smiled at Liz.

"Hi," I said and she returned a smile before hugging me.

"You're Michael's sister right?" Liz asked me and I nodded "I remember when you were only about this tall," she placed her hand level with her hip.

Shortly after we decided to order food for delivery. Luke wrote down what we all wanted before walking off to place the order. The rest of us sat down on the couch and continued talking.

"So how's Michael? I haven't seen him in so long," Liz asked.

"He's good, He got a job not long ago and he's actually moving out at the end of this week."

"Are you going to miss him?" Liz asked sympathetically.

"Definitely, It's going to be so weird being home alone most of the time."

"What about your parents?"

"They're usually away on business trips," I said shrugging.

"Food will be here in twenty minutes," Luke said walking over to us.

We continued talking about various thing and Liz asked me more questions about myself and Luke's relationship. She also brought up some stories from when we were younger and I would always tag along with Michael when he was hanging out with Luke. That also resulted in Jack remembering an embarrassing story about me from when I was young that made me want to die from embarrassment. It also made Liz scold him.

When the food arrived we put it onto plates and went back to the couch, Jack and Ben had to sit on the floor because there wasn't enough room.

"You really should get a dining table?" Liz said looking around Luke's apartment.

"My apartment isn't big enough for one," Luke said shaking his head.

"You really should get one though," Ben said looking up from the floor.

"Oh Thea, the two of us will have to go for a girls day sometime soon," Liz said turning to me.

"That would be great," I nodded taking a bite of my food.

After we were finished eating Jack and Ben stayed for another hour or so before having to leave because they had work the next day. Liz and I grabbed the dirty plates and glasses and started washing up. Liz washed the dishes while I dried them and put them away.

"The two of us make a great team," Liz said as I put away the last plate.

"If we ever have a game night, the two of us will have to be team mates," I joked.

"I'll hold you to that," Liz said nudging me.

"Thea, you came here my girlfriend and you're going to leave here as my mum's best friend," Luke said looking at us amused.

"I better tell Megan she has some competition," I said putting down the tea towel I was using to dry the plates.

"You know you're the only girlfriend of Luke's that he's introduced to me," Liz said and Luke looked away timidly.

"Really?" I asked surprised.

"I know you'd think a guy as handsome as him would have brought home lots of girls."

"Mum," Luke groaned.

"You'd think he'd of had girls lined up," I said trying not to laugh.

"I'm regretting reintroducing you two."

"Too late we're already best friends," I said grinning.

"It's getting late, I should get going now. It was great seeing you both," Liz said getting together her stuff. "Welcome to the family," Liz said as she pulled me into a hug. She gave Luke a hug before leaving.

author's note
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