Chapter 3: The Army Within

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Thuds and loud banging were heard on my front door. I groaned looking at the clock. It's 10 in the morning. It's my day off. Can't a girl some rest?
I groaned again as I got off the bed, dragged my legs and swung the door open. "It's 10 am Jisu. 10." I said grumpily.

"Good morning to you too.. I'll make us breakfast, while you get a shower because you look like a mess." She said while pushing me towards my room, grabbing new clean clothes and a towel shoving them against my chest lightly. "Theeennn, we'll play dress up and go to the beautiful concert." She continued pushing me out of my room and into my bathroom.

"How about this?" This was the last of many many outfit I tried. If she didn't like it, I might as well go to the concert naked.

"Acceptable.." She nodded while circling around me. "Presentable." I feel like I'm being judged.

"Enough. I won't change into anything else. Let's go." I grabbed my purse and shooed her out of my apartment.

"But it was fun putting so much pressure on you.." She whined.

We arrived at the venue and were taken to the golden circle right next to the stage

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We arrived at the venue and were taken to the golden circle right next to the stage. My phone buzzed.
??: Love the outfit.
Me: ?
??: Jisu looks cute as well.
Me: what the fuck?
??: Take sneak peak behind the stage.

I looked and found the maknae line waving at me. I shook my head. Taehyung was the only one holding his phone in hand.

Me: Okay, this is flat out creepy stalking. Learned that from one of your sasaeng?

I looked up and saw Tae rolling his eyes.

Tae: ha ha, very funny. We'll see you after.

I cannot believe I just casually texted Kim Taehyung. THE KIM TAEHYUNG!! My hands were shaking but I tried to keep my face straight because I felt like someone was watching me. Even though, the boys disappeared from where I last saw them.

"Hey, you okay? Didn't seem that anxious back at the apartment." Jisu asked with worried expressions. I told her what had just happened. But before she could react, the lights dimmed and it was showtime.

They started with ON and oh my god that dance break was so hot. Although, throughout the song, they kept glancing our way and flashing their gorgeous smiles and I was already weak at the knees.
We sang along almost every song, danced to all of them and enjoyed every moment.
They sang Pied Piper and it was my favorite song at the time. I danced with Jisu, swaying our bodies to the rhythm, I totally lost myself to the beat, felt like it was one of the times I'd spend hours by myself at the studio just surrendering my body to the music. My eyes met Jimin's and he winked, I ignored that blush that rose on both my cheeks and kept dancing with Jisu and singing along Yoongi's verse.

Next was Jungkook's Euphoria. We squealed jumping up and down me and Jisu. This was our go-to song. We'd jam to it in sleepovers, sing our lungs out on karaoke nights and it's the first choreo I taught in my first class. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Jungkook crouched in front of me and offered me his hand to hold when he sang "Take my hands now. You are the cause of my Euphoria." I shook my head and gave him a -don't-put-me-on-the-spot-like-that-look so Jisu took his hand and hit the back of my head.

Mic drop played next and I was so hyped up. Taehyung was already chewing on his imaginary gum. A thing he tends to do when he's really enjoying himself on stage. This song is reason why I stanned BTS to be honest. The song I performed when I applied for the teaching job at the studio I worked at. I was enjoying my time, dancing with Jisu that I didn't notice Taehyung standing on the stage to my right. Amused and giving me a thumbs up.

This did not just happen to me.

Moments later, Jungkook stepped off the stage to high-five the fans and started with Jisu, then shouted to me "nice moves" when it was my turn. These boys will be the death of me tonight. Yup, they definitely dug up the army within me.

The fireworks at the end made everything seem magical. It all seemed like a beautiful dream, a fairytale with breathlessly beautiful ending.

Guess it's time to meet them..

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