Chapter 11: Avoidance

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I woke up the next morning groaning because of the loud banging on my front door. I searched for my phone to check on the time but it was already dead. I stomped with every step I took towards whomever I am going to brutally murder. I swung the door open. "WHAT?!" I yelled which startled Hoseok. He looked away immediately.

"Y-you're not wearing.. You're.. you're only wearing a t-shirt." He said as his eyes averted mine. I scoffed.

"Whatever, I'm naked." I rubbed my eyes and yawned, still by the door. "Besides, it's not like you're interested in me.." I spat without looking at him.

"I'm still a guy." He protested. I ignored him as I stretched my arms above my head causing my t-shirt to ride up and exposing my very revealing lace panties. "Oh for fucks sakes. Wear something. I gotta go." And just like I was left there on my own doorstep alone, confused and not knowing why the hell he knocked on my door in the first place. He's gay. Why is he being odd like this? Why is he acting as if he weren't?

The weekend ended and Hoseok was obviously avoiding me. The boys and I would hang out at my place or go to Jackson's but he'd find excuses not to tag along.
I was getting frustrated because even during the week and during practice hours, he'd sit at the back as he avoided any kind of interaction with me. I have had it with him though. I wanted to confront him.

After practice he ran off to the showers. I sighed and took my time to collect my stuff before I stormed mindlessly to their locker-room. I was faced with two bare broad shoulders, one broader and the other was more muscular. They were both wet as they still had towels wrapped around their waists. I gulped the lump created in my throat as I saw the muscles flexing on that toned back as the two men laughed together. I took a step back but almost tripped so I yelped instead and was about to smack myself in the head.

"Yuna? What are you doing here?" Jungkook turned around, showing his muscular torso now. It was toned like a beautiful piece of art. I slapped my hand on my eyes but I could still see snippets from the cracks between my fingers as Seokjin turned around laughing and showing a muscular body that he's always carefully hiding.

"I was looking for Hoseok." I said still covering my eyes. I heard Tae and Joon's voices getting closer, coming from behind. I let go of my eyes to turn to them. Since they're not in the locker they must be dressed and decent.

Not necessarily. Just FYI.

I saw Joon with a towel thrown lazily on one shoulder as he was walking around shirtless and in sweatpants. I don't think there's any point in telling you how his tanned glistening skin looked ethereal as his abdominal muscles were ripped and showing beautiful sinful lines filling my mind with thoughts that are far from innocent.

Tae on the other hand, had his wet and messy hair falling down to cover his beautiful eyes. He pushed his hair back as I noticed his bare torso also glistening as water dripped from his wet hair down his neck, running down further onto his stomach and further.. OKAY YUNA!! "Why are you guys not wearing anything?" I covered my eyes again and heard Joon chuckling.

"Well, you are in our locker room where we're supposed to get dressed after a shower? Or such?" Joon being a smart-ass as he answered my rhetorical question. I struggled to find him but when I did I hit him with the back of my hand. "Ouch! Okay, why are you here?"

"She's looking for Hobi hyung." Jungkook said.

"Oh, hyung left for the penthouse right after practice. He wasn't feeling well." Tae responded. I groaned and stormed out of the place because.. One, I was irritated Hobi succeeded in avoiding yet again. Two, my cheeks were burning for being surrounded by all of that bare skin that caused very sinful thoughts and images in my head.

I ran up to my safe place, BigHit's rooftop. Hoseok introduced me to this place, said it's a place where we can escape to, a place we share together. But now it's just an empty place that is voided and deserted.

Or so I thought.

"Yuna?" I heard a familiar voice which brought me back to reality. Only then had I realized that my face was wet with tears. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" I ran up to his arms and started sobbing like a little kid. "Heey.. it's okay.. everything's gonna be okay. Tell me what's wrong." I did. I told him everything. How I felt, like I've lost my best friend and the worst part was not knowing what I did wrong. "Give it time. He'll come around. He always does." I nodded as tears were still streaming down my face.

"I don't know what I did wrong Yoongi." I sobbed once more. "If I knew how I've wronged him then I would definitely apologize. You know that about me already." I said.

"I know. And he knows that too.." He comforted me. "Like I said, give it time. He'll come around." I nodded and wiped my tears away. "Yuna, you know you can come to me whenever right? You don't have to cry all by yourself." I smiled weakly and nodded for the millionth time. "You are even allowed to wake me up whenever you want. I would be happy to keep you company." I gasped dramatically.

"Am I that special?" I laughed weakly after throwing that rhetorical question.

"You're one of us now. So never doubt the special place you hold in our hearts okay?" I hugged him in response. Even though I was physically away from Jinyoung, Yoongi made sure I felt like I was looked after, cared for, as if my older brother is still around to protect me and comfort me. I love him for that.

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