Chapter 35: Begs the Question

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Tae came back about 20 minutes later to join us for dinner. He just nodded for me when he read my worried expression as if to tell me that everything will be okay, that he handled it all. I smiled back as I knew I could trust him through such situations.

After saying goodbye to one of the most caring dates, whom I was glad to call a friend. I escaped to my terrace for fresh air rather than all the thickness I had to bare with. "Can we talk for a sec?" Wow, the deja vu.

"Sure, talk." I was visibly annoyed because I couldn't believe he was that insensitive to 'insist' that she tags along.

"I didn't want to bring Seohyun but she insisted saying this would help you guys get used to her being around more often." He paused. "I didn't do it on purpose Yuna. I never meant to hurt you but you seemed like you've moved on already." He referred to Baekhyun.

"Whether I moved on or not. I'm not the only one you hurt tonight Jung Hoseok." I said sternly.

"I know.." He sighed.

"Do you? Seriously, do you know?" My voice was rising with every sentence I make. "How did you think this was okay Hoseok?" You could hear how irritated I was, that I saw the boys shifting their gazes towards us. "Say you don't give a fuck about me which is not really surprising."

"That's not fair Yuna. You-.."

"Let me finish." He nodded. "How could you do that to your hyung? You really thought it was a good idea to manipulate him into accepting her back? Do you not know him at all?"


"I said let me finish." I interrupted him. "You haven't even spoken to Tae since that night have you? Have you spoken to any of your brothers? They've stuck by you through thick and thin. Don't you think it's alarming when they try to protect you from someone?"

"I don't need protection."

"Sure you don't. You don't need any of us. You just do as you please because you think we're gonna be here to collect your shit when she shatters you yet again. Right?"


"But guess what, screwing up like you did tonight? Doing what you did to Yoongi?" I took deep breath of frustration. "You're gonna make it harder for us, for THEM, your BROTHERS to stick with you when you treat them like fucking trash. You wanna please her? And lose your friends? Is that what you want? You just want to make her happy and lose yourself in the process? Get your shit together and wake up before you lose the people that love you the most." I snapped.


"NO. I'm sorry Jung Hoseok but you are not going to break our family. Even if it means that I have to fight you. Get your head out of your fucking ass and act like that man I once trusted with my entire life. The man I thought was my backbone. My fucking best friend."

"Seokie. I think maybe we should leave. We aren't welcomed here." Seohyun said as she stood by the terrace door.

"Yeah no kidding." I said with a scoff. "I don't give a fuck what you two do to one another. You can kill each other for all I care. But this... This is my last warning for both of you. Do not hurt my family or you'll find me standing up against you. And it is not a pleasant confrontation." I looked at her. "You want us to accept you Seohyun? For once, do good by someone else other than yourself and give it time. Don't force yourself. It's both rude and pathetic." I finally let out my anger. I was too polite before. "And Hoseok. You better apologize to your hyung and never pull such stunts in the future or you will see a side of me you wish to never see." My glance bounced between both of their figures. "Do I make myself clear?" I asked. Hoseok nodded as she just scoffed. "Good. Now, with all do respect. I wish for you to leave my apartment and stop ruining my evening." I said before walking back inside. The boys all looked tensed up after hearing the whole confrontation.

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