Chapter 34: Awkward Situation

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As I sat waiting, Jinyoung Facetimed me. "Did you really miss me that much?" I said.

"When will you be back? We're cooking, we just need you to bring beer though." They seemed to be crowding my kitchen.

"Jinyoung why the hell are you still in my apartment?" I asked. He just glared at me.

"Need I remind you of the days you raided our dorm then the many more times you crashed my apartment?" He said.

"And mine." Mark shouted.

"Mine toooo!!" Jackson popped his head in the frame.

"Okay. Okay. Just please don't mess up the place or I will make you stay the night to clean up." I said pointing the finger of threat.

"With pleasure my lady." Jackson bowed.

"I think I'm gonna be late though, I just got asked out on a date." I blushed, I was honestly very embarrassed to say that in front of everyone but I just had to tell them.

I heard someone coughing repeatedly. Thought it was Hoseok but I don't think Seok would be there. "How did that happen?" Jinyoung asked curiously but a bit annoyed. I understood where he was coming from since I literally broke things off with Seok a couple of days ago.

"It just happened. We're going out for a fro-yo. Nothing special. I'll be home for dinner. I promise." I reassured them. They exchanged glances as if disappointed. I mean, I get that they saw that I was a good fit for Seok but he himself didn't think that way. And honestly, I was starting to see it too.

"Who is it? Your date.." Jin asked with a serious tone that is rarely heard.


"Yes, I'm here." He came out of the corridor looking so ravishing as he wore a white hoodie, with his blue hair still wet and a duffel bag on his shoulder. I took a second to take in the handsome looking creature that was walking towards me. I smiled.

"Oh, ummm my brother and his friends are cooking dinner at my place. So, I had to tell them we're going out before I could go back to them." I explained. I didn't want to be rude so I asked. "Do you want to join?" I heard Jin clearing his throat and I glared at my phone.

"My throat. Too much chili in this." He said as he pointed at the pot and turned to walk away.

"I don't think I should intrude. I'm glad you think highly of me to introduce me to your family bu-.." I laughed and so did some of the boys on my phone.

"I don't need to introduce you. You already know everyone." I showed him the phone. Jinyoung waved at him.

"Hello hyung." He said with his cheeky smile.

"Oh Jinyoung-ah. You're Yuna's brother?" Baekhyun looked back and forth between me and the phone. I nodded through giggles. "How did I not know that?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm surprised Jaehyun didn't mention that already." I said.

"Anyways, hyung. You're welcome for dinner if you'd like to join." Jinyoung said politely. "I have to go now. See you later sis." We waved at each other and hung up.

"Wow. There is a lot to learn about you Park Yuna." He said with a smirk plastered onto his face. "Come, my car's downstairs."

The date went well. Oddly, we had fun getting to know each other. He seemed very chill, very nice but I could still sense a little mystery in him that keeps me somehow intrigued. He asked about my ex and I gave him a summary of the situation but leaving out their names. He was so attentive and caring. Made sure I was well comforted, which kind of surprised me because somehow he didn't strike me to be such a person. Thought he was more self centered than he actually is. But I'm glad he changed my mind.

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