Chapter 36: This Has to End Now

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I woke up the next morning to the feeling of warm hands stroking the side of my face and pushing the strands of hair away from it. I slowly opened my eyes and met his. He was propped up on his elbow facing me, the instant smiles that were generated when our eyes met were different, felt different. I didn't know how to describe it.

I was lost in his eyes when we were brought back to reality as we heard pans falling and the guys outside shushing one another. He cleared his throat. "I think you should get up and get dressed. You don't wanna be late for SM." He said as he stood to look around the empty room.

"Oh, yeah. Uhmmm where's everyone?" I was as confused as him when I realized that the once crowded room was now completely empty.

"I don't know. Maybe they're out preparing breakfast. I should help. See you out there." He said in a hurry as if he was running away from me.

I got up, got dressed and walked out to the beautiful smell of pancakes, eggs and bacon. "Oh dear God, this smells like heaven." I said as I skipped through the kitchen to get to Mark and Jackson who were by the stove doing all the magic. "What have I done to deserve you creatures?" I asked them while eyeing the bacon sizzling in the pan.

"You're just lucky." Jackson answered pushing me away from the stove. I pouted until a cup of coffee was basically shoved in front of me. I felt great, I was blessed with more than just good looks and great cooks. I've been blessed with great friendships, people who will always protect me, have my back and scold me to make sure I'm on the right tracks. I was so thankful.

I hugged Jinyoung tightly, I took him by the neck since he was sitting on one of the stools by the kitchen island. "Air..." He barely said.

"You're choking him. Keep it up." Yugyeom said through laughs but I guess Jinyoung glared at him because he continued. "I mean, hyung! Are you okay? Noona let him go." I laughed as I let him go and he gasped for air dramatically. -Such a drama queen.-

"Thank you guys for always being there for me. I love you." I smiled at everyone. I only got fond smiles in return.

"Okay, but this is too much affection for me to comprehend before breakfast." Kook said before breaking into bunny smile and being hit by Jimin.

"Anyways. You guys I have to go to work. I'll see you later, okay?" They nodded before I finally left for work.

At SM, I didn't need to do much. The boys already perfected the choreography which was expected. They're all so talented and the group basically consisted of mostly main dancers. Baekhyun was such a sweetheart, being nothing more than his friendly and teasing self. He didn't make me feel awkward after the night we had. I was so glad the spontaneous date didn't make things awkward with the group. If anything, it made me feel more comfortable around them.

"Wow, you guys really don't need me. Do you?" I said as their second dance practice ended.

"But we still like having you around." Kai said with a grin.

"Yes, noona. You should visit more often." Lucas added.

"I'm flattered but I don't think it's up to me. You guys already have my digits. Call me if you ever wanna hangout." I said and they nodded before I hugged them goodbye one after the other.

"And if you need help getting over your ex, you know where to find me." Baekhyun whispered as it was his turn for the hug. I hit his back lightly. "Okay, okay. Just reminding you that you have options." He smirked.

"Gee, thanks." I laughed before bidding my goodbyes.

I walked out of the building and got a call from Kook. "Yuna, when will you be done from SM?"

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