Chapter 20: First Concert

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We were at the venue getting ready for our first concert. I was so nervous but kept brushing off the feeling. I decided to do some stretching with the girls to get my mind off of the stress.

About thirty minutes before my first song with the boys, I felt weak at the knees. I started hyperventilating. Suhee and Somin noticed. "Shit. I forgot that this is her first time. Hobi is with the boys.. Somin, can you bring her a cold bottle of water." Suhee said before crouching in front of me. "Yuna, listen to me. I know you're nervous right now, but trust me, once you're out there the adrenaline will hit you and you'll do amazing. Just enjoy yourself on stage okay?" She asked and I nodded. "Hobi's gonna be there and the rest of the boys. I'll be there for you too if you let me." I smiled faintly. Huh, I knew she wasn't exactly a bad person.

Somin came running and Hobi was following her. She handed me the water bottle then gave Hoseok space to kneel in front of me. He signaled for the girls to give us a few minutes and they did.  He looked around before he started.. "Baby girl look at me." Great, now my heart's racing for another reason. "You're gonna be okay. Everything will be okay. We practiced a lot you and me, right?" I let out a breathy laugh remembering how our practice turned to steamy sessions. But I still couldn't stop shaking. "Whatever happens, I'll be there with you okay?" He paused a bit, noticing the others are coming through. "Listen, you're gonna be great okay?" Namjoon came running to us. I glared at him.

"How did you convince me to do this?" I growled. He chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Focus on me. Did you hear what I said?" Hoseok demanded my attention and I nodded. "We're just gonna have some fun. Just like we used to back home." The boys slowly crowded the space around us. "You're gonna be surrounded by us up there. Just like always." The boys nodded and I did too, my breath slowly calming down to a normal pace.

"I'm still here too.." Suhee shouted from afar.

"Yeah me too.." Somin agreed. I smiled faintly at both girls and just closed my eyes to muster whatever strength I had left before I got up.

"Okay. I can do this. Let's do it." I said firmly. The boys chuckled as we all gathered around to do our last cheer.

Once on stage and we started dancing, just like Suhee said, the adrenaline rush cane through and I forgot about how nervous I was. It was all coming naturally. Jimin and Taehyung kept taking glances making sure I was okay. I just gave them a small smile of reassurance every time.

"Oh my god YUNA!!" I heard one of the girls yelling. I looked her way and she waved at me. I didn't recognize her. "Oh my god. That IS YUNA FROM JIN'S LIVE!" -Oh dear lord.- The girls around her waved at me and I waved back. As the boys were singing and interacting with fans I went up to them to say hi. I don't know, felt obligated to do so.

"You guys know me?" I asked them crouching on stage.

"Oh my god yes. We followed you on SNS. We love you." One of the girl said.

"Who are your biases?" I asked. Each of them answered a different member. I laughed. "Give me your phone." They gave it away without second thoughts. I ran up to Hobi. "Hobi!! Pose real quick." He was singing but posed and I snapped a photo. Did a few of that, then went to the others and did the same thing.

"Yuna!! You're THE BEST!" One of the girls said as I gave them back their phone. I bowed.

"Please keep on supporting the boys, take care of yourselves and have fun. Okay?" I said before going back to doing my job.

Later I heard a part of the crowd throwing tantrums at Suhee recognizing her from a multiple dating rumors. I saw Suhee feeling uncomfortable so I went up to her to dance with her and genuinely have fun which immediately shut down the loud hate that was being thrown at her. No matter what happened in the past no one deserves to be bullied or whatever. We danced, we had fun and she said. "Thank you. Sorry I was rude to you before." I nodded. She's not a bad person, maybe she just has a certain way of handling things.

The concert was fun but completely drained us. We went straight back to the hotel to get some rest because we had to wake up early to practice for concert the next day. I was at my room after taking a long soothing shower when I heard a knock on my door. I looked through the peephole and saw Hobi. I opened it and dragged him in. "What are you doing here?"

"I need you."

"Seok we both need to get some rest. The next couple of days are going to be so long. I don't think you should exhaust your-..."

"I just wanna sleep in your arms. Nothing else."


"What about Yoongi. Wouldn't he notice your absence in the morning?"

"We both know he knows something is happening between us."

"But still-.."

"Yuna, please."

"Okay. I just need to dry my hair. Go on." I went into the bathroom to dry my hair. When I was out he was already sound asleep. He seemed tired, why didn't he just dose off in his room?

I joined him in the queen size bed, laid down facing him and pulled back the strands of hair that fell effortlessly on his forehead. I left a soft and gentle kiss on his temple and a smile appeared on his face. I kissed that beautiful sleepy smile. "I love you." -There he goes talking in his sleep again-. My heart broke as I thought of whom he wanted to say those three words to. So much so that his subconscious kept pushing those beautiful three words out of him in his sleep.

I held his hand in mine and kissed his knuckles then just rested my lips there. I felt safe having him there with me, I won't dare to lie. It felt perfect just sleeping together, nothing too much.
A few moments after I drifted off to sleep I woke up to his voice. "Yuna.."
My eyes fluttered open as I smiled up at him and hummed in response. "I don't wanna lose you." My brows furrowed.

"You won't ever lose me." I said. I let go of his hand to caress his cheek. "We'll fight which is normal but you won't lose me." I smiled and he held my hand and gently placed a kiss on my inner palm. Then held it down between us.

"I love you baby girl." He smiled with eyes closed. I don't know if he meant it. I don't know if he's awake this time or half asleep. I don't know if he meant it as a friendship type of love or purely actual real love. I just knew that it was my only chance to say it.

"I love you too Jung Hoseok." I whispered and his smiled grew wider but his eyes were still shut. I decided that maybe we could talk about it some other time. Tonight we rest. Tonight we're home in each others' arms. Let tonight be whatever it may be. It's a happy night.

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