Chapter 10: What's it to you?

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It's been almost a week since Hobi's breakdown. He avoided the topic and I didn't want to pressure him, just as long as he knew he could come to me whenever he needed someone to listen or just sit there and drink beer or sujo with.

It was Friday at noon and I was trying to teach Jimin a new choreo for his solo (Filter). We perfected it but only needed to practice it more to help his muscles to memorize the dance. "Let's practice it tomorrow. I'm drained." Jimin said as he laid on the floor. I laid there next to him. Exhausted and panting for air, we laid there in silence. Until he finally broke the silence.
"Can I ask you a serious question?" He asked in a serious tone and I hoped with every limb within me he wouldn't sense that I've developed a petty crush on a gay guy who happens to be my current best friend -aside from Jisu of course-.

"Sure. What's your question?"

"Who is your bias?" He sat up, crisscrossing his legs and staring down at me. I broke into laughter and so did he. He flipped his hair dramatically.
You know it, that signature hair flip that he does at concerts to wreck you if he  weren't already your bias. I shook my head in disbelief.

"You're not him." He pouted.

"Is it Hobi hyung?" He smiled devilishly as he kept poking me making me roll on the floor laughing.

"Staahhhbb" We were burst out laughing when an irritated Hobi walked in. He seemed to be in a bad mood lately so I kept my distance, tried to give him time to heal and let him come to me instead of pressuring him to vent to me.

"If you two are done being all playful and clingy we have practice to attend to." His voice was firm and timid. The ray of sunshine that I'm used to was gone for the day. I don't know what's wrong but I wasn't about to intrude. We just obeyed and left for practice.

Later that day, the maknaes came over for the night and my brother's maknaes came along too. We watched a movie and played a few games before the rest of the Bangtan boys joined us for dinner because for some reason Jin didn't want to cook them anything this whole weekend.

Halfway through dinner my phone buzzed so I excused myself to answer it.

"Jay? is everything okay?" I could feel an intense gaze following me out of the kitchen so I walked out to the terrace.

"Yeah, I just... I know it's stupid to call you all of a sudden but I miss you. I miss my best friend Yuna. Can you find it in you to be friends again? I know I don-.."

"Jay, relax.. Take a breath." I cut him off as I took in a deep breath myself. "Listen, it's not like we're enemies or such. I just needed time to heal and move on."

"Did you?" My heart sank a bit when I heard how disappointed he sounded but truthfully, I believe I deserve better than a man who fears to try and builds up so many excuses rather than fighting for me.

"I'd like to think I did." There was a moment of silence. "Jay, what's wrong?" I finally asked. He sighed loudly and followed it with a tiny chuckle.

"You were always straight forward." He chuckled again. "It's just been hectic..." and just like that, he was venting to me like he used to. No feelings triggered, just the memory of being his secret keeper, a place where he can throw his deepest darkest secrets and I would keep them safe with no judgments.

After ending the call. I smiled to myself, seeing how I've chosen to grow and not let my past feelings change me or the way I am to my friends. Because after all Jaebeom is a friend. My parents love him and his parents love us. So yeah. I'm proud of me.

"You're with him now?" Hoseok's voice made me jump. He sounded pissed and agitated.

"Excuse me?" I asked. Clearly not following where this is all going.

"Don't act stupid. Jaebeom, are you with him? Yugyeom said he saw you two wet and in towels the other day." What is wrong with him. What if I was? It's not like it would matter.

"I'm not acting anything Hoseok. Why are you being like this?" I got defensive. Seeing him on edge the past few days was hard for me but coming onto me like that? What did I ever do to him? "I am sorry you're not in the right place both mentally and emotionally but Hoseok, I will not tolerate your nonsense and rude accusations." I snapped. He scoffed.

"So you are with him." He said amused and in disbelief.

"What if I was? What's it to you?" I yelled now. He looked surprised. What? He thought he could poke the beast and expect him not to bite?

"I thought I was your best friend, best friends don't hide such things from one another." Are you kidding me?

"Yeah? Well best friends shouldn't be so rude to each other either." I retorted as I walked towards the terrace door. "And just so you know, I am not with anyone. I've fallen for an asshole who doesn't bat for my team." I huffed and walked inside to meet the gaze of 9 petrified men.
"I'm going to bed. I think everyone here knows what to do?" They all nodded and I went to my room, locked myself in and cried myself to sleep.

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