Chapter 14: Embarrassments

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(Yuna's POV)
"Yes. You're allowed to be my best friend again." Oh my god! Why did I just say that??!! I'm literally pushing myself deeper in the friend-zone.

It was awkward for a bit before our phones buzzed at the same time. We both sighed, thought rumors were spreading again. I checked my phone, it was a text from Taehyung. Oh dear god.


Can we talk? I think I just had a few flashbacks.


When can we meet?

I'm with Hobi now. Meet me for ice-cream? You're buying.

Why am I buying? I bought the bourbon.


Bite your tongue, you still don't know what I know.

Blah, blah, blah..


I was hesitant to be frank. I didn't want to remember if we ever did anything stupid the night before. Why were we completely naked? Ugh! I don't wanna..

"You okay?" Hoseok pulled me out of the trance.

"Yeah. I'm fine.. I just have to meet up with Tae. You okay?" I asked tucking my phone in my back pocket and pointed at his phone that buzzed conveniently at the same time as mine.

"Yeah. Just Namjoon wanted to discuss the upcoming tour." I nodded mouthing 'oh'. "Yuna.. Can we.. Ummm.." He seemed at a loss for words. "Never mind." I looked at him suspiciously but didn't want to push because we just got back on good terms. I think..

"Hobi.. I'm sorry." I finally apologized for walking around like -that- around him. Thought he was gay and wouldn't exactly be bothered by that. Although, he looked confused. "For.." I did a hand gesture to my body, hinting the inappropriate outfits that made him uncomfortable. He must really feel terrible and uncomfortable around me.

"Oh.. don't worry about it. I hope it doesn't make anything awkward between us though." He said with a cute little smile showing off his irresistible cheekbones as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Nothing and no one can take away what we have baby.." I said I smiled goofily, winked awkwardly and poked his side. Only to have him break into laughter with me.

"You're so weird." He said between laughs.

"And you love it." I said proudly.

"Yes. Yes I do." Oh how I wished it was the type of love I'm feeling but I know it's not.

I met Tae at the ice-cream place we always go to, bought our favorite flavors in buckets because Jin wanted to do an eat-jin live before we walked back to their penthouse. On our way back I finally brought it up. "When are you going to tell me?" I asked without glancing over. Afraid of his answer. He chuckled when he saw how nervous I was.

"Nothing real happened. I tend to get completely naked when out of my head drunk but.. I didn't expect you to be.." I nodded.

"Me neither. I fight, argue and try to prove meaningless points but almost never get naked." I said feeling suspicious still. "Also, what exactly did you mean by 'nothing real happened'?" I asked unsure.

"I kissed you but you said you liked Hobi hyung. And that he was gay and you wished you were a man." He paused and I looked away, as I got flashbacks of the moments he mentioned. "I said that you still have a chance with him and that is how you got naked. You wanted to prove that you don't have a ... y'know.." he gestured for his crotch and I covered my face in embarrassment. "Just so we're clear, Hobi hyung is bi. Not gay." I groaned in frustration as we finally arrived at their penthouse.

"So many things to comment on. So many embarrassing moments. And so many ways to bury myself alive." I said as I picked out the ice-cream buckets from the bags, scooping some in different bowls to give to Jin.

"I have my moments too. Why don't we call it a tie and take our secrets to the grave." Tae said, grabbed a spoon and started to eat right out of the bucket. I slapped the back of his hand and signaled for him to grab his own bowl. "Ouch! Meanie!"

"Take this to your hyung." I said after filling up a few bowls of ice-cream.

"I'm older than you. You shouldn't be bossing me around. You should even call me oppa." He flapped his hair dramatically. I laughed hysterically then put on a straight face.

"Nice try. No." I picked up the tray and headed for Jinnie's room. "Yaaahhh!! Seokjin-ah. Your ice-cream." I yelled by the door. There was a moment of silence then I heard two voices laughing.

"Naaee. Come on in Yuna!!" I barged in after struggling to open the door while holding the tray. I saw Jungkook laughing so I yelled at him.

"Yahh! You're here and you wouldn't open the door for me? I raised you better than this!" Seokjin just laughed nonstop as Jungkook stood, bowed and took the tray and whispered.

"We're on Vlive. Right now." I panicked at his words and looked at their phone apologizing and bowing excessively. I tried to run away but was held by the hand.

"Everyone, this is our baby sister Yuna. Some of you may have recognized her. She's been a friend of ours for a while now. Been working with us, teaching us new choreographies and such." Jin said gripping on my hand not letting me leave.

"Before Armys get jealous. She's just our sister. Our choreographer. Nothing more. Please love her as much as you love all of us. She's one of us after all." I smiled awkwardly and waved at the phone and Jin let go of my hand to read some comments.

"Yuna, they think you're cute. Oh she's the same age as Taehyung and Jimin. Ah yes, that is why she casually yelled at Jungkook. She's his noona. No. Army, don't start shipping her with the members. She's our sister." I cringed at the word 'ship'. I always found that very cheesy and genuinely annoying.

"Armys like you already." Jungkook pointed at my disgusted face and started laughing. I bowed again before excusing myself to leave.

Once I reached their kitchen, the rest were watching Jin's live while they ate ice-cream straight out of the buckets. "BOWLS!" I yelled, they jumped, scattered to grab bowls and started scooping ice-cream for themselves.

"You know, you're very deceiving. You seemed chill, innocent and really polite in the beginning. But now, the whole world knows about your duality." Yoongi said teasingly eating out of his own bowl. And I plopped down on a high chair near kitchen island right next to Hoseok. I rested my head on the island, face down.

"I think I'm charged with embarrassment. Enough for me to be insomniac for the rest of the year." First, Hobi, Tae and then the whole goddamn world.

Well done Yuna. Well done.

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