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You sat down at a table with an umbrella opened to deflect the sun

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You sat down at a table with an umbrella opened to deflect the sun. Spencer followed, sitting across from you, his long legs accidentally touching yours under the table. He mumbled a quick apology, a small blush rising to his cheeks. You smiled lightly, shaking your head.

"So, Dr. Reid, I'm expecting a profile," you blurted out, causing him to look up and smile.

"A profile. Well, you're intelligent but you already know that. You work hard, not to prove that to anyone else, but rather to prove it to yourself. You're a perfectionist but also a procrastinator. You can tell by the state of your notes. They're perfectly written but not yet compiled," he began, meeting your eyes. You nodded, agreeing to what he had said so far.

"You don't tell people about your ambitions and dreams because you feel like they'll get jealous.  You don't like being on people's bad sides because it makes you a target. You're likely an only child so you got all the attention from your parents as you grew up, but you don't like attention, especially from strangers, because of this. You rarely speak up in class because people bullied you for knowing too much as a child and you fear that the feelings you had back then will resurface if you act the same now. You're confident in your abilities but don't show off, once again wanting to blend in with the crowd. Only you can't, because you were made to stand out."

You sighed and looked down. "You got all that from our 5 minute interaction today?" you mused, swirling the straw in your iced chai.

"Partially. I payed attention to your mannerisms in lecture, especially after you brought up the counterpoint to my joke. You fascinate me, Y/N," he replied, fidgeting in his seat.

You looked up and smiled at him. "You said partially, what else led you to all of those conclusions?"

"Because, Y/N, I see a lot of me in you. A lot of the self-doubt and wanting to fit in, wanting to fit society's mold," he answered, a sad look on his face. You sighed and reached for his hand, him flinching slightly. You paused and bit your lip.

"Sorry," you murmured, retracting your hand.

"The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering. It's actually safer to kiss," he mumbled. "I'm a bit of a germaphobe, I suppose."

You smiled and looked at your wrist, seeing that it was 20 minutes before your next class. "Well it was a pleasure to meet you Doctor Reid, thank you for amusing me with a profile," you said as you stood up, throwing your empty cup in the recycling bin. He followed your lead, leaning over to pick up his bag. As he turned to you, you placed a small kiss on his cheek. "Since you said it was safer," you whispered, before taking a step back.

Spencer blushed, touching the place you had kissed him. "Spencer, you can call me Spencer. But, before you go, there is a part of the agreement you're forgetting," he spoke, making you nod.

"It's in your front pocket, Spencer," you teased, crossing your arms. "Do text me so next time I can profile you." He shook his head gently, reaching in and pulling out the slip of paper. You waved and walked away, making your way to your philosophy lecture. He watched you carefully, licking his lip and walking in the opposite direction.**

Fifteen minutes into lecture your professor mentioned existentialism, as that was the focus of this unit. You grinned and thought about the strange man that had weaseled his way into your brain, setting up real estate for no additional charge. You saw your phone's screen turn on, indicating you had gotten a text. Against your better judgement of refraining from using your phone during class, you opened it. There, staring at you was a text from the mystery man himself.

Spencer: "The most good you could do? How about joining me for dinner tomorrow night?"

You held back a laugh, trying to focus on what your professor was lecturing on. But instead, your head whirled, thinking about what he had sent. To anyone else it would seem like an obnoxious man with a god complex trying to flirt. But you noticed what many couldn't. He wasn't being pretentious. He was simply referencing John Stuart Mill's utilitarian theory.

Your professor thankfully concluded class a few minutes early. You packed up, picking up your bag and grinning like a kid on Christmas as you typed your response.

Y/N: "Are you suggesting a tyranny of the majority? What about the minority that suffers?"

A few moments later, as you exited the building, you received a response.

Spencer: "Since I do spend much of my time helping the majority, I think it's appropriate for the minority to suffer for this singular instance"

Y/N: "Are you claiming that your maximized happiness outweighs the suffering of the minority"

Spencer: "Indeed. Especially seeing as the minority does not exist in this equation."

Y/N: "You're wrong about that, Mr. 187, the minority does exist."

You stared at the phone, seeing the three dots appear before disappearing. You hoped that your teasing didn't make him reconsider. A few minutes later your phone buzzed, you reading the message immediately.

Spencer: "A hidden minority. Do tell"

You let out a breath and started typing.

Y/N: "Well I was planning on spending tomorrow night in the presence of my television and a plate of pad see ew. However, seeing as that will cause uncontrollable suffering, I will postpone my night of fun for the future"

Spencer: "I'll pick you up at 7, it's a date"

You grinned from ear to ear, trying not to jump up and down. You took a breath before replying.

Y/N: "What shall the suffering minority wear to this date?"

Spencer: "I suppose the suffering minority can dress as she pleases."

You smiled and nodded, as if he could see you doing so. You walked into your apartment and put your phone down, making a beeline for the closet. A few minutes later you had a thought.

Y/N: "Wait, Spencer, you don't have my address"

Spencer: "I'm in the FBI. I'll figure it out"

You rolled your eyes and threw your phone on your bed. You had to figure out what to wear for tomorrow. But, before that, you also had to figure out what you learned in philosophy today, seeing as all you could think of was John Stuart Mill and Gabriel Marcel. Damn Dr. Reid and his intelligent form of flirting.

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