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Ok now I'm actually sorry

-It had been about a month and a half since Emily's passing

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It had been about a month and a half since Emily's passing. No one was ok but they pretended to be. Everyone sat around the table talking and laughing. JJ was telling everyone about Henry's obsession with a new children's book Penelope had bought him. "Where's Reid?" Derek asked, sitting down.

"I don't know, he's usually the first one here," JJ said, shaking her head. Everyone muttered about the genius's whereabouts, being startled by him rushing in. His hair was a mess and his clothes looked slept in. He looked terrible.

"Y/N's missing," Spencer said urgently, causing everyone in the round table room to look at him concerned.

"Reid, what do you mean she's missing?" Derek asked, raising his eyebrows.

"She's missing Derek," he said softly, tears welling in his eyes. "I can't lose her, I can't. First Emily, now her?," he muttered, holding his face in his hands.

Everyone exchanged worried glances. JJ sighed and pulled him into a hug. "Spence, it'll be ok. We will find her," she soothed. Garcia's eyes began to water, Derek steadying her.

"Listen here mama, no falling apart. Reid needs us, he needs you."

Penelope nodded and sat down, opening her computer as she took a breath. Hotch looked at Rossi and nodded. "As of now, our primary goal is finding Y/N." Hotch said authoritatively.

"I'll call Strauss and let her know," Rossi echoed, walking out.

"Ok Reid, when was the last time you spoke to her?" Hotch asked, rubbing his eye.

"Yesterday. She was supposed to come visit this weekend but had to cancel for work."

"Reid, you said she had to stay in Boston?" Penelope asked quietly. Spencer nodded, looking confused. "Ok, because here, it shows she called you last night at 11:52 pm from the Lincoln memorial."

"The Lincoln memorial?" Derek asked, looking up. "Why would she lie about where she was."

"I don't know. I don't know anything. My brain isn't working right."**

"Ok Spence, we get that you're worried. But you know her better than any of us. You need to use that big brain of yours," JJ said gently. "I believe in you."

Spencer nodded and began to think. "Maybe she was going to surprise you?" Derek mused.

"Like Detroit!" Penelope chimed in, causing Hotch to raise an eyebrow.  "Oops, sorry. Anyway, Y/N's phone last pinged a cell phone tower, wait that's not possible..."

"Garcia?" Spencer asked worriedly.

"Where did it ping Garcia?" Hotch asked, leaning forward.

"The White House. Inside the White House." Garcia said, turning the computer screen.

"Why would Y/N be inside the white house?" Derek asked.

"I have no idea," Spencer muttered, holding his head between his hands.

"She just got recruited to join the Brain Program. They're mapping the human brain and they wanted her. The president asked for her specifically." Garcia said, a small smile appearing on her face. Spencer raised his head and  bit his lip, pride swelling within him. He wished you had told him so he could give you a big hug.

"Ok so wouldn't she just be there then?" Derek asked.

"No, orientation was yesterday." Garcia explained.

"That's probably why she said she couldn't come this weekend. Because of orientation."

"Doesn't she have friends in the city? I would assume she does because she went to Georgetown?" JJ asked.

"Nate and Lola," Spencer replied, looking up. He rifled through his pocket, grabbing the phone. "Nate, hey, have you heard from Y/N recently. She called you? What time? 12am? Ok thanks Nate. Uh, I haven't been able to get a hold of her, but if you or Lola do, please let me know. Thanks."

Everyone looked at him expectantly. "She told Nate she was coming to surprise me last night. But if she was on her way, she never made it."

"Ok Reid, you need to think. Who is someone that could have it out for her? Someone who would want to hurt her?" Hotch inquired.

"Or you," Derek added. Spencer shook his head.

"I don't know. She's the nicest person ever."

"Ok, Reid, we're not going to stop looking for her. But we can't do much more without some information." Rossi advised. Spencer nodded, sighing as he stood up and began to leave the room. Then it hit him.

He turned, a scowl on his face. "James, James Ivory. That's who took Y/N," he stated. "And I'm going to kill him." M

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