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A few hours later, you were in the library with Nate, Lucy, and Rachel, studying for your psychology final

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A few hours later, you were in the library with Nate, Lucy, and Rachel, studying for your psychology final. You weren't too worried about the class, seeing as you needed a 75 to get an A. But, the rest of the group didn't need to know that.

Besides, Spencer was working and you'd rather study with Nate than be doing nothing in your apartment. Your phone buzzed, causing everyone to look at you. "Oh, sorry, I usually never get calls," you said, switching your phone to silent and putting it face down.

Five minutes later, it buzzed again. That was weird, you only had 5 people that could bypass your silent settings: your mom, your dad, Nate, your childhood best friend Lola, and Spencer. Lola was in France and your parents knew not to call you during the day unless it was urgent. You lifted the phone, seeing a picture of you and Spencer on the screen. 

"Hello?" You answered, a small smile appearing on your face.

"Y/N," came the voice of Derek Morgan. Your heart instantly sank in your chest, your smile fading.

"Derek, is he ok? Is he hurt?" you asked frantically, your voice getting higher.

"Reid got shot in the knee. He was saving a trauma surgeon. He's fine but he's in the hospital," Derek explained.

"I'll be there soon, thanks Derek," you said, putting the phone in your pocket. Nate looked at you worriedly, his hand catching yours.

"Is he ok?"

"He's fine, he just went and got himself shot. It was anthrax a few weeks ago, now he got shot, will he ever stop trying to be heroic?" You rambled. Rachel and Lucy looked at you strangely. "Sorry guys, I gotta go," you said to everyone.

"It's fine, go, Spencer needs you more than we do," Nate assured you. You smiled and kissed him on the cheek, walking out of the library and getting into your car.

Nate shook his head, watching you go. Rachel and Lucy looked at each other with raised eyebrows. "Her boyfriend just got shot, give her a break," he muttered. Lucy looked down shamefully while Rachel gasped.

"Is he going to be ok?" Rachel asked worriedly.

"I'm sure he will be. Why do you even care?" Nate said with an annoyed tone.

"Just wanted to know. Didn't mean to bother you, although I think you're bothered about something else."

"Leave it alone Rachel, it's none of our business," Lucy said, but it was to no use.

Nate looked between the two of them with a confused face. "Do tell, what am I bothered about?"

"It's obvious, you're in love with Y/N. And she loves you too. This guy is just a phase," Rachel explained, playing with her hair.

Nate raised his eyebrow at her, trying not to laugh. "I really think you should rethink your career path because profiling might not be for you." She frowned, looking back down at the book in front of her. Nate silently thanked god that she shut up.

Meanwhile, you rushed to the hospital, walking into the unit they had Spencer in. Derek ushered you to his room, knocking on the door.  "Pretty boy, your girlfriend is here to see you," he said before letting you into the room.

Spencer smiled when he saw you. "We have to stop meeting like this," he said jokingly. You, on the other hand, burst into tears. He softened, opening his arms for you to enter. "Shhh beautiful girl, I'm ok," he whispered into your hair. **

"Stop putting yourself in harm's way," you muttered, clinging to him. "If I wanted to see the hospital this much, I would've been pre-med."

Spencer chuckled. Derek came in, his eyebrows raised at the scene. "Reid, stop making the pretty girl cry," he teased as he handed you a water. You smiled at him, taking a sip.

"It's not his fault. Spence is just a hero by nature," you said, kissing his cheek. Spencer grinned, his hand rubbing your back soothingly. "Though it would be nice if he came back to me without injuries."

Derek laughed, shaking his head. "You've got your hands full with this one," he joked. "Oh, and, the doctors are concerned about those bruises around your neck," Derek said before leaving the room. You and Spencer shared knowing glances before erupting into a chorus of laughter.

"Spence, why didn't you tell me you were teaching a profiling course?" you asked, looking up at him.

"I didn't think you'd be interested. Do you want to come? I can get you in," he replied.

"I would love to, Dr. Reid," you said gently. "I heard the professor is very hot," you continued with a grin.

"Hmm, I wouldn't agree but to each their own, I suppose."

You smiled, kissing his cheek before you pulled out your psychology notes. "Listen, mister, I need to study for this stupid exam. So, you can either help me and I'll be done faster, or you can distract me and I'll be done slower."

"Well, I'd rather you just not study and focus on me, but, I suppose I'll help you study."

"Dang it, I was hoping you'd pick the distract option," you joked, moving closer to him. He smiled, resting his head against yours, quizzing you about triggers and profiles and the media.

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