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Valentine's Day

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Valentine's Day. A holiday you had hated up until Spencer Reid had walked into your life. He made it special, even though he spent the last 2 out on cases. But this year he was home. And you were ecstatic.

It was a Friday and you had to go to work. As did he, paperwork only. You snuck out of the house early, hoping to finish work by 2pm so you could come home. You kissed him softly before you left, Spencer muttering something about it being criminal that you were leaving him. You shook your head at his antics.

When you got to work, there was a box on your desk. Weird, all packages usually were shipped to the lab tech. You opened the box to see a necklace with your birthstone and a single hydrangea. You smiled, placing the necklace in your purse and smelling the hydrangea.

An hour later, there was a knock at your door. You looked up, confused, not expecting anyone at 9 am. A man came in and handed you an iced latte and another hydrangea. You rolled your eyes, thanking the man.

An hour later you were brought another present. A box of chocolates and another flower.

At 11 am it was a teddy bear holding a hydrangea.

At 12pm it was your favorite meal from this cute cafe just off campus, with a flower of course.

An hour later it was a picture frame and a hydrangea.

Just as you were finishing up at 2pm, your assistant handed you another package. This time it was a box that you unwrapped to see purple lace and a half dozen hydrangeas in the middle. You flushed, closing the box quickly, twirling the flower in your hand. At this point you had a bouquet of flowers and so many presents.

You rushed to your car, getting home before Spencer. You walked inside and placed the flowers in a vase in the kitchen, walking up the stairs to your bedroom. Inside, Spencer was sitting on the bed, legs crossed, grinning at you. "How are you home already?" You asked, beaming at him. "Your car isn't in the driveway either."

"Asked the neighbors if I could park it in there's to surprise you. Also finished up work in record time so I could beat you home," he replied as you put the gifts down on the ottoman and laced your arms around his neck. "Did you like my gifts?" he whispered, his eyes fixed on your movements.**

"Stop spoiling me," you muttered, kissing him gently. You pulled away ever so slightly, looking into his eyes. "I love you."

"I love you," he responded, pulling your lips back to his. You climbed into his lap, straddling him as you deepened the kiss, your fingers in his hair. His hands gripped your hips softly, his hands eerily soft as your top rode up.

The two of you eventually separated, your lips slightly swollen as Spencer traced them with his thumb. "I'm sorry," he mumbled, making you frown.

"Sorry for what?"

"Sorry that this is our first real Valentine's Day."

"Just because we weren't physically together for the last 2 doesn't mean they weren't real. I loved our movie night when you got back. And how you surprised me with ice cream when I was at MIT," you consoled, kissing his cheek. He nodded, hugging you softly. "Now, what am I supposed to do with this gift?" you asked, picking up the box with the purple garments.

"Wear them with your new dress," Spencer whispered, his head resting in the crevice of your neck.

"New dress?"

"It's your 3pm gift," he said kissing your cheek. "In the closet."

"Spencer!" You shrieked, standing up. "Stop spoiling me."

"Technically it's not spoiling you since we're married and my money is your money."


"Spencer! This place is ridiculously expensive," you moaned as he parked the car. He rolled his eyes, getting out and opening your door.

"It's Valentine's Day Y/N," he retorted.

"This is The Inn at Little Washington. It has 3 Michelin stars Spence. How did you even manage this?"

He smiled, kissing your forehead, guiding you inside. "Do we really need to ask that question?"

You shook your head, leaning into his arms. He was wearing a black suit with a gray tie that matched your gray dress. He always amazed you, not just in his thoughtful actions, but also how he always managed to make everything perfect.

As you sat and enjoyed a lovely meal, your hand intertwined with his across the table, you couldn't keep the smile off of your face. "Spencer Reid, thank you for being you," you muttered as he draped your coat across your shoulders.

"Y/N, thank you for loving me," he replied, kissing your forehead.

"Home?" you asked, looking up at him with a grin.

"Oh yes, I'd like to see my 2pm gift to you, preferably on the floor," he whispered, opening your car door. You shook your head, blushing lightly. He would be the death of you.


Here's a snippet from the new story I'm planning, let me know what you guys think!

By the time you finished reading, the sun had begun to set. You placed the book down, looking out of the window and smiling at the various hues of orange and red streaking the sky.

You eventually stood up to return the book. You slid it back into its place, turning and returning to your seat. You picked up your bag and slid on your jacket, your eyes still transfixed on the landscape. You took one last look, moving towards the staircase to leave.

As you exited the store, waving goodbye to Judy, you stopped. "The sunset struck so brilliantly into the traveling carriage when it gained the hill-top, that its occupant was steeped in crimson," a voice whispered, making you turn.

Your eyes caught the man from earlier, your lips parting at his words. "Pardon?" You asked as you stood in the doorway. He stepped closer, holding the door for you to leave.

"Sorry, I saw you reading Dickens earlier. It happens to be one of my favorites. And the sunset reminded me of that scene," he replied making you nod.

"Oh?" was all you could come up with as his eyes locked with yours again. You smiled softly, exiting the bookstore, him following you out. You stopped a few steps outside of the store, turning and crossing your arm. "So, do you often quote novels perfectly in conjunction with the scenery?"

So, how do we feel about it? Let me know!!

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