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"Ready whenever you are," Garcia responded with her usual chipper attitude

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"Ready whenever you are," Garcia responded with her usual chipper attitude.

"What buildings are named after George. Middle name, first name, anything," Spencer asked, replaying what you said in the video in his mind.

"Considering it's called Georgetown, a lot Reid," Garcia said, typing furiously. "I'm coming up with 27 different locations."

"Ok, how many of those are chemistry buildings?" Spencer asked, hoping that would give him a more clear cut answer.

There was silence for a moment. "None," Garcia said, sighing in exasperation. "Anything else?"

"Labs. Organic chemistry labs," Spencer asked. "I met Y/N in her criminal psychology class, it has to do something with organic chemistry."

"2 buildings have organic chemistry labs," Garcia continued, the sounds of clicking keys being heard through the phone. "We're so close Reid, give me more information. I want to find her. Please let us find her."

"Any of them specifically focus on chemical synthesis?" Derek asked, realizing what you had meant in your video. Spencer took a breath, hoping this would allow Garcia would give them a definitive answer.

"Bingo! The Reiss Science Building! There's 3 on the ground floor. Sending the address now. Go get her," she said, closing the line. Spencer fell against the seat, closing his eyes, releasing the breath he had been holding.

"She's good Reid. She knew exactly what to say," Derek muttered, turning to glance at the genius. Spencer nodded and pushed his hair out of his eyes.

"She's brilliant. God, I hope we get to her in time," Spencer replied, rubbing his eyes.

"Oh, we will," Hotch said, turning on the siren. As if Moses were parting the Red Sea, cars moved out of your way. The trip to Georgetown from HQ was 40 minutes. But, Hotch was driving well over 100mph. So it was no surprise when you arrived at the campus soon after.

Ten minutes later, the car pulled up to the building. Hotch turned it off and ran out, Spencer and Derek following his footsteps. "We go in on my signal. Reid, you go to G17. Morgan, you go to G27."

Spencer nodded, holding his gun. He approached G17 carefully before kicking open the door. Spencer ran in, seeing a knife being held to your throat. "One more step and I cut her carotid," Susan threatened.

"You sure you know where that is?" You said snarkily, locking eyes with Spencer. He furrowed his brows, pointing the gun at Susan.

"Do you have a death wish?" Susan asked you carefully. You turned you head slightly, nodding.

"Maybe I do. Either way, I'm the one that graduated from Georgetown. I'm the one that is in a successful PhD program. How's the low level lab position Susan?" You argued, making her look at you in confusion. Her grip on you loosened a bit, making it easier to breathe.

"You do realize I have a knife to your throat?" She threatened again. You shrugged lightly.

"Yeah, but Spencer has a gun to your head," you muttered, smirking softly. Susan looked up to see Spencer a foot away.

"Move and I shoot. And I have pretty good aim," Spencer threatened.** "Now, drop the knife. Susan."

"Put the gun down or I will stab her. I may die but so will she. Her death will be on your hands," Susan warned. Spencer looked at you, fear emblazoned in his eyes, and you nodded lightly. He lowered the gun down to the ground, standing up slowly. "Now kick it away."

Spencer did as she said, raising his hands. "Susan, you don't have to do this," he offered. She snorted and shook her head. "You don't have to kill her," he continued, stepping closer.

"Kill her? No, I'm not going to kill her," Susan said releasing you. You fell to the ground, Spencer rushing to you. "I'm going to kill you Dr. Reid," she continued, pulling a gun out from behind her back. "I want miss perfect over here to suffer for the rest of her life, not so perfect now, are you?"

You flinched at words, your eyes widening as she raised the gun. In a moment, the sound of a gun shot was heard throughout the building. Hotch and Derek ran inside moments later, stopping in their tracks upon seeing the scene that had just unfolded.


I imagine this happens in late season 6, in case you're looking for a timeline.

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