Chapter 20: Page 394

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The next day was our first Hogsmeade weekend. My parents had signed my slip but I elected to stay back that day, still feeling awful about the boggart. Tobias had tried to convince me to come, but I told him to just go enjoy himself without me and that I'd go the next weekend.

As I was watching them leave from Gryffindor Tower, Zeus flew in with a letter from my father, along with a bag of sweets from my mother. I sighed before opening it, dreading the contents.

Draco told us about the boggart. I can't explain how sorry I am that you still feel that way, and I know my words won't do anything to change it. It will take time, and I understand that.
I believe it is Hogsmeade this weekend, so make sure to go out and enjoy it. I have had words with Draco, but write to me if he causes any issues because of what happened.
I also heard from Severus about the Dementors on the train. Please make sure to keep your distance from them, they don't differentiate between the one they seek and the one that gets in their way.
Stay safe.
Your Father

I sighed slightly, holding my arm out for Zeus to perch on, before leaving the tower. I supposed I owed him a reply, but I needed peace from the first and second years running about in the common room.

I grabbed some treats along with parchment and a quill (a brand new one from my parents that never ran out of ink!), and walked along to the lake. I collapsed down against a log, letting Zeus perch on one of the branches, before taking out the parchment.

Thank you for being understanding. I'm sorry if Draco's words hurt you, I don't know how he explained what happened, but know that I am sorry for it happening in front of the class. I tried to avoid going up, but I got pushed to the front before I realised.
I know that isn't my reality any longer, but I can't help the fear within me that this is all my imagine, no matter how stupid I know that is.
Regarding the Dementors, Professor Lupin (the new DADA teacher) helped me out that day. He is also going to teach me how to protect myself if I find myself in that situation again.
I hope you and mother are well.

I gave Zeus some treats along with the letter, watching as he soared off towards Malfoy Manor. I smiled slightly, leaning against the log and closing my eyes. The quiet across the lake was soothing, the only noise the splashing of water against the sand, a bird cawing in the distance.

That evening, after we returned from dinner, something happened. We walked up to the painting of the Fat Lady, who would normally let us into Gryffindor Tower. We walked up the staircase and came to the painting. It was empty. The Fat Lady was gone and the empty painting was ripped as though someone had put a knife through it.

"What's the hold-up?" Ron spoke from behind me.

"The Fat Lady's gone!" Someone else yelled.

"Let me through, please. Excuse me, thank you, I'm Head Boy..." Percy Weasley's voice trailed off, "Back! All of you! No one is to enter this dormitory until it has been fully searched!"

"Probably stuffing her face with the apples in that still life on the second floor again," Ron commented but I turned to him, shaking my head and allowing them to see.

Hermione gasped, grabbing Harry's arm tightly as Ron paled. I moved to the side quickly as Dumbledore appeared with Filch and McGonagall, concern clear on their faces as they saw the painting.

"Mr Filch. Round up the ghosts. Tell them to search every painting in the castle for the Fat Lady," Dumbledore barked.

"There'll be no need for ghosts, professor," Filch muttered, looking behind us all.

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