Chapter 63: Fractured

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I could see the dark cuts spreading over his body, the dark magic that had been used against him clear, but I didn't care about the spell at that point. I yelled loudly for help, pressing my hands against where the blood was flowing from, but more slashes kept appearing.

I heard another set of footsteps approaching, pushing me backwards. I fell slightly, sitting in the water, a look of horror on my face as I watched Snape. He muttered a strange incantation, the slashes on my brother's chest seemed to knit themselves back together, disappearing in front of my eyes.

I was still sat there when Snape picked my brother up, carrying him to the Hospital Wing. My face was frozen in horror - what had Harry done? What sort of dark magic had he used? Why did he curse my brother?

Tobias found me not long after, whether he was told by someone I didn't know. He helped me to my feet, saying nothing as he held me tightly, leading me out of the flooded bathroom.

"Lyra, I—" Harry was still standing there, having been told to wait there by Snape. I didn't acknowledge him, I felt Tobias turn to glance at him but he said nothing either.

I heard whispers surrounding us as we both exited the bathroom, pertaining to the blood that must have covered my white shirt, nobody knew what had gone down. All they saw was Snape taking Draco out, and me leaving covered in blood.

"Tobias! What happened?" Hermione's voice came from in front of us.

"I'm not sure, she's completely shaken," Tobias said softly, "Could you take her to your dorm, get her some clean clothes? I don't think she's injured, but double-check."

"Of course," Hermione grabbed me, leading me up the stairs.

By the time Harry returned, I had explained in a shaking voice to Ron, Hermione and Ginny what had happened, having cleaned myself up and changed clothes.. I was less shell-shocked now, instead furious at Harry. Hermione had translated the name of the spell I told her, it meant to cut forever. Why was he using that against Draco?!

We were silent when Harry came in. I didn't even look at him, while the others stared blatantly at him, looking for an explanation.

"Lyra, I'm sorry," he said quickly, "I didn't know what the spell would do! I read it in the Half-Blood—"

"You used a spell you didn't know against my brother?" My voice was dangerously quiet, "He could have died! If Snape hadn't turned up when he did, you would have killed my brother!"

"Lyra, I know, I'm—"

"I'm done, Harry," I shot at him, "Your obsession with my brother has gone too far. You need to back off, Chosen One or not, there is no excuse for what you did."

I stood up angrily, storming out of the common room without another word. I made my way down to the Hospital Wing, worried about what I might find. Snape was leaving as I reached the door, he stopped when he saw me. I stared up at him, searching his features for some indication of how my brother was.

"Is he okay?" I asked quickly.

"He's asleep, but you can sit with him," Snape replied quietly, "He's okay, he lost a lot of blood but he'll be fine."

"That... that spell," I said, "What was it?"

"A spell of my creation, when I was young and didn't know better," Snape said bitterly, "How Potter learned of it, I don't know. It should have been forgotten long ago, it has no place in our world. But, suffice to say, Potter will be punished for what he did."

"If... if you hadn't come—" I began, my voice cracking.

"Your brother is okay," Snape said firmly, "He'll have some scarring, but he'll be fine. Go and sit with him, though I don't know when he'll get out."

I spent a lot of time in the Hospital Wing with Draco, even when he was still unconscious. I felt awful for what happened, the fact that my friend had done it to him. As soon as classes were over, I made my way to the Hospital Wing, neglecting my friends and even Tobias. He woke up after a week and a bit, furious at Harry, but Madam Pomfrey told him there was no way he was leaving.

Gryffindor won the last Quidditch match (without Harry as he had been banned for his actions) and so won the House Cup. I didn't celebrate with the others that night, electing instead to sit in the Hospital Wing with Draco and do homework.

"You're coming to see me and do homework, not celebrate your house's success?" Draco scoffed, raising an eyebrow at me.

"I don't much feel like celebrating with them," I hummed, not looking up.

"Still not talking to Potter?" He asked.

"No," I looked up, "I can't forgive him for what he did. Whether it was an accident or not, he should never have used a spell that he didn't know the effect of."

There was a pause before Draco sighed.

"Lyra, make up with him," he said quietly, "You'll need your friends soon, more than ever. You won't want to be associated with me."

"Cryptic much?" I laughed slightly, "Draco, I'm quite happy to sit here with you. I don't know what you're talking about, but I don't really care."

"Lyra, I'm being serious," he snapped, "You'll understand soon, but... you really don't want to be associated with me. Makeup with Potter, as much as I hate him. Just please do it."

I stared at him silently for a few seconds before sighing. Something flashed behind his eyes for a split second, gone as soon as it appeared. Was it fear, guilt? But it passed so quickly I didn't truly stop to consider it.

"Fine," I rolled my eyes, "Tomorrow."

"No, do it now," he said, "Tomorrow might be too late."

And so Harry and I did start speaking again, albeit awkward to begin with. He had disposed of the Half-Blood Prince's book, disgusted by himself and his actions, and I could feel his sincerity.

But I still sat with Draco most of my free time. His own friends weren't visiting him, he had alienated himself long ago, and I liked the silence he brought. He seemed to be brooding a lot, but would never tell me what was on his mind.

I wished I had never found out.

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