Chapter 72: The Potion

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She produced a small vial filled with a liquid. It had to be some sort of poison, there was no denying it. Fear gripped me but I knew I couldn't give in. If I showed fear, someone would step in to stop it and end up hurt themselves. I couldn't let that happen. She walked towards me and the cage door sprung open. I was suddenly tied extremely tightly, unable to move a muscle.

Amycus flicked his wand and I was dragged from the cage towards his sister. She grinned down at me, a sinister glint in her eyes, and when I glanced at Snape I knew I was about to regret everything I had done. His frosty demeanour had slipped, there was shock very clear in his eyes. If he was shocked by what they were about to do, I had no chance.

"This little potion is courtesy of the Dark Lord himself," Amycus gave a nasty little laugh, "Only the best for the students of Hogwarts."

My mouth was forced open and the liquid went into my mouth. My eyes widened, I struggled against the strong bonds, ready to spit it out. A hand clamped over my mouth and nose, stopping me from breathing. I held out as long as I could, but I needed to breathe. I was going to die. Nobody had said a word in the hall since I had spoken up, nobody had moved a muscle. I wasn't sure if I was still hated or if it had changed to pity, but those thoughts left me as the potion began to take effect.

I was dropped to the ground suddenly and the Carrows stepped back to admire their work. Everyone was staring with wide eyes, unsure of what to expect. You could have heard a pin drop with the silence in the room and I was terrified. What was the potion going to do?

The screams came from nowhere, I couldn't hold them back. I was in agony, the potion seemed to be tearing me apart from the inside. Tears stung at my eyes as my throat burned, the pain inside me was worse than I had ever experienced before. Even the Cruciatus Curse couldn't compare to what this potion was doing.

"PLEASE!" I screamed in agony, the potion taking away any thoughts I had of staying strong for my friends, "MAKE IT STOP!"

Memories flashed through my head, things I didn't want to remember. I tried my hardest to push them away, but I couldn't last long enough. My sanity was slipping, I couldn't hold it together. I wanted to, oh how I wanted to, but I couldn't. The memories, they wouldn't leave me.

My family. I saw my life with them when I first went to Hogwarts, the torture I endured throughout those two years. Disgrace. Blood-traitor. I was hated, I was made to suffer. I would never be loved, I would never be happy. I was doomed to be a slave to my family forever, the life I was meant for would never be within reach.

Tobias. He was lying petrified, I had been unable to save him. He was stuck in a permanent grin, but he was gone to me. I had failed him, he was petrified, he was gone. If I had paid more attention, if I had just stuck behind a second longer.

Remus in wolf form. He towered above me, snarling viciously. I had been stupid, why did I attract his attention? I had been safe. His teeth wrapped around my hand, the curse passed onto my from one bite. Agony, unlike I had experienced up to that point. I was a monster, I would never be the same again. Remus would never be the same again.

The torture came again. Bellatrix this time, laughing as she blinded me, enjoying the pain and fear she had caused me. I thought I was safe with my family, I had been wrong.

Sirius. He fell through the veil, I couldn't get to him in time. He slipped through my fingers, I was too slow. I had been foolish, I should have paid more attention. He cared for me, risked so much for me, yet I just stood by.

Snape. His ultimate betrayal. I had trusted him, he had saved me from myself time after time. He had tried to save me from my family, he had given me potions at full moons. But then he betrayed everyone, he killed the man who stood up for everyone. The man everyone put their faith in. His betrayal hurt me more than I cared to believe.

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